Chapter 24

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3 days went by quicker than I ever thought was possible. I know Dream has his responsibilities, but I never thought he'd take it this far. After all this time... I'm going to exiled out of my own country. Am I allowed to bring stuff with me? I sigh and grab some food, water, tools, and other resources. I walk outside my little house, the sky grey and cloudy. Everything Wilbur did, everything he worked for. It's going to all go away now that I'm being exiled. I know once I'm gone, Dream will take over L'manburg again. I see Tubbo and Tommy by the gates, I quickly join them. We're all waiting for the arrival of Dream.

"This is it." Tubbo says sadly, Tommy shakes his head.

"We can't give up, we can't-"

"Tubbo's right... it's over, Tommy." I say, even though it pains me. "Eret was right, Wilbur was right. They were all right Tommy! It was never meant to be... L'manburg was never meant to be." We all fall silent. I hear hooves thundering on the ground and I look up. I feel sick to my stomach, Dream is here. He's alone this time. He enters the gates of L'manburg and swiftly jumps off his horse. He strides towards us, his ax swung over his shoulder.

"Tubbo." Dream greets, giving him a small nod. "Have you come to a decision?" Tubbo looks at me, his expression sad. "Here. Why don't you come with me, Tubbo?" He asks, leading Tubbo to the top of the L'manburg walls. Tommy and I can't hear their conversation from down here. After a couple agonizing minutes, Dream signals for us to join them. We all stand there, on top of the walls. My stomach feels like a heavy pit, I'm nervous.

"We have come to a decision," Tubbo says as calmly as possible.

"Dream you're a bitch!" Tommy yells suddenly, Tubbo quickly tries to shush him.

"Tommy! Tommy!" He warns.

"Sorry, sorry," Tommy mumbles in between a laugh. I would've laughed too if I wasn't so worried. Dream clears his throat passive-aggressively.

"Tubbo, just tell them," Dream says, clearly annoyed. "I just want to hear what you decision was. What you guys came to." He then laughs softly. 

"I've calmed down a little bit from the last- the last couple days. I've had time to think about what y/n did..." Dream says, his voice still calm. Shivers run down my spine when he says my name.

"Ok well-" Tubbo starts but Tommy cuts him off.

"You don't seem very calm!" Tommy interrupts. Tubbo rolls his eyes.

"Tommy!" Tubbo scolds.

"Oh, I'm very calm," Dream argues.

"Look around..." Tubbo says finally.

"There's walls." Dream notes.

"That's the problem, Dream. They've been there for too long- and uh-" Dream cuts him off.



"I trust you. I trust that you will always make the best decision," Dream says cautiously. "I trust that whatever decision you come to is the best one for L'manburg." Dream finishes, as Tubbo begins to laugh.

"Y'know this is funny actually. I'm sorry Tommy, I'm sorry," Tubbo keeps apologizing. Why is he apologizing to Tommy?

"Tommy, I am so sorry..." He repeats. What's Tubbo on about?

"Hm?" Tommy asks, just as confused as I am. Tubbo turns to Dream.

"Dream, I've come up with the decision that I think will be best for the nation. The most logical thing to do!" He says, giving Tommy a sad smile. "Tommy deserves to be exiled." Dream's expression is covered by his face, but I can tell that he's as shocked as I am. 

"What are you talking about Tubbo? Why Tommy, y/n was the one who-" Dream starts. Tommy cuts him off.

"No Dream. Tubbo's right, it was me. Y/n covered for me because she didn't want me to get hurt. I burned down George's house, I started all the fights. I caused all the problems, Dream." Tommy admits, looking down. Dream turns to Tommy. Dream's past calmness is instantly replaced with shock and anger.

"Tommy... you selfish motherfucker. All you wanted was your fucking disks? So you made y/n take the blame? You were going to let her take all the blame for your actions! You were going to live your perfect life, and let her take all the punishment... selfish!" Dream growls, Tommy looks at him with a guilty look.

"I'm so sorry, Tommy..." Tubbo says. I can't believe Tubbo. I could've taken the blame! Now that Dream knows it was Tommy, he won't go easy on him. I feel my stomach twist in fear for Tommy. Dream takes out his axe. Tommy takes a small step back, his eyes widening.

"Dream what are you doing?" Tommy asks, his voice shrill.

"What I should've done a long time ago," Dream hisses, raising his ax. No, no, no he can't kill Tommy! I quickly step in front of Tommy, and Dream lowers his ax instantly.

"Step away y/n." He growls.

"No Dream! You're wrong, you said that Tommy doesn't care about anyone else, that he's selfish. That's not true... I helped burn George's house too! I took the blame, so Tommy wouldn't get hurt!" I retort frantically.

"Please Dream... don't kill him too." I say sadly, remembering that night with Wilbur. Dream pauses and takes a step back, lowering his ax.

"So, what is your final decision, Tubbo?" Dream asks, turning back towards the younger boy. Tubbo gives Tommy one last apologetic look before answering.

"My final decision is to exile TommyInnit."

Author's note: Just so y'all know, this is what love does to you. Bros before hos, man. 😎But seriously, Tubbo was wrong for that :( *Sigh* Well, tysm for all the votes and comments! Also...I don't wanna press about this, but it seriously helps when you guys vote, and I've noticed votes have gone down a lot. So, please, if you like the chapter, vote! It means a lot to us. <3 Love yall

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