Chapter 18

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"I love you too, Dream," I whisper, caught up in the moment. I can't help but feel nervous, in 7 days we'll be enemies again. I decide to let the thought go as I snuggle closer to him. The moonlight shining over us, I whisper once more.

"I love you too..."

6 days later

We went back to Manburg after our night together. Dream negotiated with Schlatt to let me stay in Manburg as a guest until the war. Schlatt reluctantly agreed since I had nowhere else to go.

Tomorrow is the war, I think to myself as I sit on the bed in the room I'd been given. Anxiety creeps inside of me. Tomorrow I have to fight against Dream. Dream... what happened six days ago will be forgotten during war. Does Dream really love me? My mind wanders back to that night. The way his soft lips met mine, and the way his eyes glowed in the moonlight... shit. I scold myself, I have more important matters to think about. I have to convince my friends that I'm not the traitor. I feel my stomach twist. If I'm not the traitor... then who is? More worrying thoughts overcome me. Suddenly, a loud voice from outside of my room startles me.

"I can't believe George!" I quickly recognize Dream's voice. "He betrayed us... when I get my hands on him I swear-" Dream's angry tone is cut off by Sapnap.

"Dream, he's still our friend..." Sapnap trails off. "I also have more news," He adds quickly.

"What is it?" Dream sounds irritated.

"The Pogtopians created a railway system, connecting Manburg and Pogtopia for fast travel. I discovered it on accident." Sapnap replies hesitantly. A railway system? What have they been up to? I listen again and hear Dream.

"Anyways, I made shields for the war..." Their voices trail off as they move farther away. Suddenly, I hear my door open. I see Schlatt standing in the doorway, what does he want?

"Y/n..." He starts, a smile growing on his face.

"What is it, Schlatt?" I grumble. Schlatt's smile quickly fades.

"No need for the attitude y/n, you're a guest in my nation after all." I roll my eyes.

"It won't be your nation for long," I smirk, he looks at me angrily.

"I came here to ask if you'd like to join Manburg." Schlatt's voice is low.

"Schlatt, I already said no," I say. He walks closer to me, not breaking eye contact.

"Y/n. Your friends don't care about you. They think you're the traitor. Why help them?" He raises an eyebrow. I'm done with Schlatt's manipulative ways.

"I said no," I repeat between gritted teeth as I stand up from my bed. Schlatt clenches his jaw and shakes his head.

"Don't come crawling back here begging for help when you need it y/n, you're making the wrong
choice!" He spits, jabbing a finger at my chest.

"Schlatt, you're nothing but a coward!" I say angrily, "You're too lazy to do anything yourself, so you make others do it for you!" I raise my voice, stepping closer to him. Schlatt's eyes flare with rage and he suddenly pushes me back with such force that I fall to the ground. Schlatt takes out his sword and approaches me slowly. I curse under my breath, I have no weapon.

"Who's the coward now, y/n?" He grins, dragging his sword across the ground. I quickly get up and he laughs.

"Aw, is your little boyfriend not here to save you?" He mocks.

"Schlatt." I hear the icy voice before I see him.

"Step away from her, right fucking now." Dreams voice sends shivers down my spine, it's dangerously low. Schlatt turns to Dream.

"Dream, she's the enemy!" He says, exasperated.

"Not until tomorrow." Dream says, his tone firm. "If you lay so much as a finger on her, the deal is over." Dream growls, swinging his ax over his shoulder. Schlatt gives me a glare and storms out of my room.

"I could've taken care of him myself," I say defensively. Dream stays silent, I sigh.

"Thank you Dream," I say softly. Dream's tall, muscular frame leans against the door.

"I meant what I said, y/n," he says finally. I look at him, confused.

"What?" I ask. He turns towards the doorway, his back facing me.

"Tomorrow we're enemies again." He says, closing the door behind him as he leaves. I sigh, I know Dream and I are going to be against each other for the war. I decide not to think about that. I wonder how my friends are... are they even my friends anymore? They have no clue that I'm on their side. The most I can hope for is that they're ready for the war.

Tubbo's POV:

Tomorrow is the war. The war against Schlatt, the war against Dream, the war against Manburg. Or, rather, for Manburg.

"Do we have everything ready, Techno?" I ask. The pink-haired boy smiles.

"We've got everything, Tubbo." He assures me. "Full enchanted netherite for all of us. Arrows, potions, weapons..." He pauses to sharpen his sword, "and the wither skulls." He finishes proudly, I nod.

"We're gonna win, we've got The Blade!" Tommy shouts, and everyone echoes him. I can't help but feel worried, tomorrow L'manburg might be burnt to the ground or exploded to bits. I feel sick to my stomach, tomorrow might be the end of it all. Tomorrow, we'll have to fight against y/n...

"Are you ready, Tubbo?" Techno asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ready?" I ask, confused. Techno stops sharpening his sword, looks up at me, and grins.

"Ready to win?"

Author's note: Thank you all so much for the 1,000 votes! It means the world to us. Thanks for all the questions, too, we'll be putting out a Q&A in the next few days! <3

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