Chapter 21

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"No!" I scream as Dream drags me further back. His arms wrap protectively around me, shielding me from the explosion. I hear it before it happens, the sound of it igniting. The explosions boom, a chain of explosions all around L'manburg. I can't erase Wilbur's sad smile from my mind. I hear shouts and yells from where everyone else are. The explosions deafen me. Once all the TNT blew up, a huge crater is left. Rubble, fire, and destruction everywhere. My ears are ringing, and I finally break free from Dream's grasp. I run to where the room with the button used to be, now it's just rubble and stone.

"Wilbur... oh, Wilbur..." I sob. Tears flow freely down my face, Wilbur sacrificed himself. I fall to my knees, my head in my hands. I feel Dream next to me, his arm around my shoulder.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry..." Dream whispers, I turn to face him. My vision blurs from the tears.

"You helped him Dream... you said you loved me!" I say as angry sobs overtake me. "You killed him!" I feel a lump in my throat, I'm angry. I know I can't blame Dream for Wilbur's actions, but grief takes control over me. Dream shakes his head sadly.

"Y/n, you aren't not thinking straight. I do love you... I'm sorry." He repeats, hugging me tighter. I let go of my anger and fall into his arms. I cry into his shoulder, his hand on my head. He comforts me, stroking my hair gently. After what seems like forever I pull away from his chest. Dream reaches for my face and brushes the tears away gently with his thumb.

"We have to get back to the others," Dream whispers softly. I wipe the remaining tears from my face and nod. Dream helps me stand and we head towards the podium, where we left the others. I hope the explosion didn't hurt any of my friends... all the main parts of L'manburg are dust. I see Techno on the stage. Everyone else is on the scraps of land that remain. Techno is on the remains of the stage, and everyone else watches him in shock. Techno takes out the soul sand and places it in a "T" formation. Oh no... Techno turns to face all of us, Dream looks shocked.

"I told you all! I wanted to take down the government, and the first thing you all do as soon as Schlatt is dead is replace him! Do you think it was the leader that made L'manburg the way it is? NO! It's the government!" Techno booms, I try to run over him but Techno aims his crossbow at me.

"Stay right over there y/n!" He warns, I instantly stop. "You all stand back! You all listen to me right now!" He roars, and the crowd falls silent.

"Techno, you can't do this!" Tommy yells, Techno turns swiftly to Tommy.

"All I ever was to you, Tommy, was 'The Blade' and that was it!" Techno hisses. I take out my bow and adjust my armor. Techno notices and laughs.

"Y/n..." He pauses. "Do you think you're the hero, Y/n?" He asks quietly, his crossbow still aimed at me. Dream stands next to me, his ax in hand.

"You don't have to do this-" I start but Techno cuts me off.

"Do you think you're a hero, Y/n?!" He repeats, his voice louder.

"Everyone stand back!" I yell.

"Y/n! Do you think you're a hero? Is that what this is?" Techno asks again. I turn to face him.

"I just wanted L'manburg... that's all I ever wanted!" I shout.

"No. You just wanted power." Techno counters calmly.

"No Techno, you see, that's where you're wrong! My own friends banished me, my own brother betrayed me! All I wanted was my home back, and then I got taken hostage! I watched my own brother die!" I yell at him as tears prick at my eyes. I see Tommy and Tubbo's guilty faces, Techno sighs.

"Well, you want to know something about this world, y/n? It's that good things don't happen to heroes." His sword glints in the moonlight, he takes out a wither skull and places it on the soul sand. I take my ax and swing it over my shoulder.

"Techno, please stop!" I say, he ignores me.

"Let me tell you a story, y/n... a story of a man called Theseus. His country was in danger, and he sent himself over to enemy lines. He slayed the Minotaur, he saved his country. But, do you know what they did to him, y/n?" Techno asks, I shake my head. "They exiled him! He died in disgrace, despised by his people. That's what happens to heroes, y/n." He finishes.

"But he saved everyone-" I start, but Techno cuts me off.

"The Greeks knew the score, but if you want to be a hero, y/n... that's fine." He places another wither skull on the soul sand.

"TechnoBlade, stop, don't do this!" I plead, Techno only laughs lowly.

"Do you want to be a hero, y/n? Do you want to be a hero?" He raises his voice louder. He grabs the last wither skull and places it in the middle of the soul sand. Techno turns to look at me.

"Then die like one!"

Author's note: Techno's so rude 🙄 Hope you guys liked this chapter! Please vote! Also, I'm sorry to announce... there are only a few chapters left. :( It's okay, though! We'll write another story. In fact... we already have a few ideas in mind. <3

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