Chapter 55

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I wake up, my grip on the locket so tight that my knuckles turn white. I let my grip loosen as I sit up and look around. Weak rays of light shine through the windows, it's dawn. Tommy's gone, he's not in his bed. Suddenly the dream comes back to me. I quickly spring out of bed, Tubbo's in danger. I rush out of the room. I need to find Tommy.

"Tommy!" I shout, as if on cue the front door opens and Tommy walks in. Despite his exhaustion his eyes gleam with triumph. "Tommy, where have you been?" I ask as I notice the dirt and grime baked across his face and cuts across his arm.

"Preparing." He grins, taking out ender pearls, netherite ingots, and potions from his backpack. My eyes widen in surprise.

"You got all that?!" I exclaim in awe.

"Let's just say I had a little help," Tommy's grin widens as he motions with his hand. Suddenly, a familiar figure steps forward.


"I had to help you guys, Dream's crossed a line. Enough is enough." Quackity says, giving me a nod in greeting. He hands Tommy a couple more items before taking a step back, out of the door way. "I have my own... problems to take care of right now. But, don't worry, I'll make sure Dream pays sooner or later." A smirk spreads across his face as he turns to face Tommy.

"Thank for the help Big Q!" Tommy says, pushing his shoulder playfully.

"Don't call me that." Quackity rolls his eyes, stifling a laugh. "Glad I could help, good luck!" Quackity grins as he disappears back into the Dream SMP.

"We need to make sure Dream doesn't see these materials," Tommy says once Quackity is gone.

"Do you have the discs?" I ask, Tommy nods, though he looks crestfallen. "I'll get ready then we can head out," I say, putting as much confidence in my voice as possible. We need to save Tubbo.

A little later

The sun's high in the sky.

"Are we ready?" I ask Tommy. He gives me a determined nod. We have full enchanted netherite on, I carry my bow and axe, and Tommy has his sword.

"Let's go," Tommy says with a long sigh. My stomach feels like a heavy pit, this can either go well... or horribly wrong.

"We need to save Tubbo," I whisper, barely audible.

"We will," Tommy says, giving me a reassuring look. I look up at the sky and grab the compass. I look down at it in my hands and then at Tommy. I let out a shaky breath before following the compass into the spruce forest.

A little later

"Look!" Tommy shouts, pointing up at a cliff side. We've been rowing for about 10 minutes now, the mountain is the only sign of land anywhere.

"Are you sure this is it?" I ask, Tommy snatches the compass from my hands and the boat comes to a halt at the shore.

"Yes, look, the compass is pointing here," Tommy says as he gets out from the boat. I carefully climb out and onto land.

"Where to now?" I ask, looking around.

"There's some steps over here!" Tommy hollers from behind some trees. I follow him to stone steps which lead all the way up to the top of the cliffside.

"Ready?" I whisper, looking at Tommy. He nods, the previous excitement in his eyes replaced with worry.

"Worst comes to worst, we give up the discs to save Tubbo, but maybe we can get out of here with Tubbo and the discs." Tommy begins trudging up the steps.

"Good that." I breathe out to no one in particular as I start my own trudge up the mountain.

A couple minutes later

"Finally," Tommy breathes out heavily as he reaches the top of the cliffside.

"Is Dream there?" I whisper, almost at the top of the steps.

"No, I don't see him," Tommy says once I reach his side. I scan the top of the cliffside, no one's here.

"Is this the right place?" I ask finally, I feel my stomach churn in anticipation.

"The compass says it's here, Tommy shrugs. "Standing here is no use, let's go over the plan again." Tommy suggests, I stifle a sigh of annoyance. Tommy's stupid plan is going to get somebody hurt.

"Tommy, I don't know if this plan is a good idea..." I trail off.

"Of course it is," Tommy rolls his eyes. "You distract Dream and I'll place the ender chest down. All we need to do is get Tubbo away from him and run, then we'll have the discs and Tubbo." Tommy explains, I look down at my axe nervously.

"Is this plan even going to work? Won't it be easier just to give him the discs and then Dream will let Tubbo go, unharmed?" I suggest quietly.

"No, the discs-" Tommy starts, but I cut him off.

"For once Tommy, think about others instead of those goddamn discs!" I shout. "Tubbo's life is at risk! Isn't that more important than your discs?!" I yell, Tommy looks down.

"Of course it is y/n, you don't understand. I'm just saying if there's a way to get both things in our favor why not try it out!" Tommy argues.

"Because your 'plan' can get Tubbo killed!" I retort, Tommy doesn't respond. "There's no use in fighting, let's just wait this out," I say with a frustrated sigh.

"It's worth a shot, y/n!" Tommy pipes up again. "C'mon, if it doesn't work then I'll just give Dream the discs and that's it." Tommy shrugs likes it's no big deal.

"Tommy, you don't know what Dream's capable of... I don't know if this a smart idea." I caution.

"Dream's just an overpowered, self-absorbed bastard. He's nothing." Tommy spits. He pauses and looks back up at me. "Y/n, let's just try it out. We have to at least try."

"Alright," I say reluctantly. "Let's go over it one more time." Suddenly, I hear a twig snap behind me. I look over my shoulder, nothing. Dream still isn't here, I turn back to face Tommy.

"First you distract Dream, just start some sort of conversation. I'll attack from behind when's he's off guard. You rescue Tubbo, and the discs will be in my ender chest." Tommy finishes proudly, before I can respond I hear a voice behind me that makes my blood run cold.

"That's a nice plan, except for one thing..." I turn to see Dream in full enchanted netherite gear. I hear Tommy curse under his breath. Dream's positioned behind Tubbo, his axe pointed at Tubbo's neck. Tubbo lets out a sharp gasp as our eyes lock.

"I don't think that's how this is gonna work."

A/N: Shit's boutta go down. STAY TUNED BCUZ IT GETS INSANE👀 LOVE YOU ALL, PLS PLS PLS VOTE- its one click and helps other people reach this story! <3 make sure to drink water and get sleep! Love you all and GET READY FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS 🤭

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