Mother seemed conflicted that I was given the chance to become one of Queen Atlanna's disciples. It was jarring. Usually, she would have been elated to hear that I got this opportunity.

I shifted uncomfortably as I sat in the Lazurin Duchy's transport ship. Mother, of course, was busy with the management of her businesses in the city and the welfare of the Duchy.

I made a mental note to apologize on her behalf as I adjusted the tiara on my head. The queen had given me a brooch with the Atlantean royal crest to show the guards at the castle gates.

After showing them, I was personally escorted by two other guards towards the east wing of the castle.

As I glided through the ivory halls with them, I notice how different the architecture is compared to the castle in the Fisherman Kingdom.

It opted for a more sleek, modern design with white marble floors and art etched subtly into the walls. At the Fisherman Royal Palace, everything was in your face-everything being drowned out by the extravagant, gold decor.

Fisherman royalty regarded gold highly and as such, have it everywhere; on the walls, on the floor, in their rooms, even what they wear.

The Caerulius family, however, was always known for their simple elegance, using only small details of gold in their pieces. The halls of the Atlantean castle reminded me of home, I suppose, and it served to alleviate my nerves a bit.

We finally reach the east side of the palace where the Queen is already speaking to someone in the castle gardens. The colored fluorescence of the flowers served to give her white dress an ethereal glow.

The Queen spoke to the red haired girl who had attended the gathering yesterday with King Nereus. Her name was Mera, and she had also been learning sorcery under the Queen.

I was older than her, however, she had experience with the subject and thus, the bigger advantage.

The queen looks over and smiles, thanking the guards before dismissing them to their previous posts.

I bow towards her.

"Greetings, Queen Atlanna. It is my regret to inform you that my mother will not be joining us today." "Raise your head, Princess. I'm sure we have many other opportunities to meet."

I raise my head and look at Mera. She wore a teal colored dress, decorated with white pearls. Her hair seemed to be an even more intense red as it drifted against the light from the flowers in the garden.

She gives a slight bow as she introduces herself. "Princess Y'Mera Xebella Challa."

I do the same. "Princess Lelazora Euphonia Caerulius." I smile at her, hoping to make nice. "You can call me Leora or just Ora." She nods and smiles back. "You may call me Mera."

She stared at me, eyes darting to the fins at my ears to the tail that swung below. She catches herself staring. "Sorry for staring, Princess."

"It's alright. Fishermen aren't common in Xebel or Atlantis, much less a siren."

I couldn't blame her for staring. Sirens were quite foreign and "exotic" as most would advertise.

"Mera has been studying under me for almost two years now." Two years was a large gap between Mera and I...

The Queen notices my anxiety and reassures me. " I have no doubt you'll be able to make up for lost time. Shall we begin?"

She smiles and turns to lead Mera and I to a gazebo at the center of the garden.

We are both seated across from the Queen as she begins, her silver trident laying against the wall of the gazebo behind her.

"Today, we'll be going through the basics; breathing, control, and manifestation." At the mention of breathing, I am reminded of what happened the other night and take a sharp breath.

"Remember to breathe in when pulling and exhale when pushing. Breathing holds a part in controlling your powers and water. It affects your form. Start with this exercise, pulling and pushing the water while breathing at the same rhythm."

Mera starts, her eyes closed as she breathes in and out, the light current synchronizing with her breathing.

I follow her lead and shut my eyes. Pull and inhale, push and exhale. I tell myself as I take a deep breath. The currents are shaky in their intensity at first, but it later synchronizes with my breathing.

"Good. Remember to relax the body. We want to be able to move fluidly."

Moments pass as we breathe with the currents. The anxiety from before is a memory as I feel finally relaxed.

"Now, Mera, I need you to be my example." "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Create an orb using this technique."

I look at Mera as she cups her hands out in front of her. She breathes calmly as the currents circle in front of her, becoming stronger as they form the small orb of air in front of her.

"Make it bigger." Mera expands the ball of air. "Alternate from big to small."

The orb grows and shrinks continuously.

"Good job, Mera. Now, Leora."

Mera's ball of air disperses, and she opens her eyes to look at me. They both were now waiting for me to start. 

I shut my eyes and remember the breathing exercise from before. Holding my hands in front of me, I bring the currents in.

"Good, now alternate" I continue my breathing and visualize the ball of air growing and expanding before shrinking and compressing.

"Slow your breathing."

I do as the Queen asks. Everything goes well until the memory of the night before flashes in my head-the night when I'd lost control. The currents waver as my body becomes more rigid.

The ball of air disperses.

"You hesitated. What happened?" My hand twitches up to the gills at my neck as I looked at Queen Atlanna.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty...I was fearful I would lose control like before..."

She puts a supportive hand on my shoulder while looking at me with a motherly gaze. "I don't doubt you, Leora, so neither should you. Be confident in yourself..."

I nodded at her, my lips thinned from uncertainty.

.  .  .

"That should be all for today." 

Mera and I rise from our seats after her and bow. "Thank you, Your Majesty." Mera and I thank her, and she eyes me with an expectant smile.

"This is only the beginning, Leora. I expect good things from you—from both of you."

She smiles at Mera and offers to escort us to the castle gates. We graciously follow and on the way, we hear the clattering of steel against steel and collective shouts. 

Looking through the spacious room, I see a group of Atlanteans spar with each other while a single one observes them.

He notices the three of us at the entrance and calls everyone to attention, tapping his trident on the marble floor.

"We are in the presence of the Queen!" The entire room moves to salute the Queen, and she acknowledges them with a smile. 

The recruits are given permission to resume and the Atlantean man approaches the Queen, Mera, and I. 

He greets the three of us before looking at me and awkwardly saying....

"You remind me so much of your mother."

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