Sparring and losing seemed to do something to my ego. It was like I was being skinned alive, metaphorically of course.

How was I going to get better at this? It isn't like I could just go up to the knights at the duchy and ask them to practice.

Mera and the Queen were already waiting for me at the gazebo, and as I sit next to Mera, they both regard my sour face.

"Did you have some trouble with training?"

The Queen looked like she related to the feeling. I glanced at her trident before dejectedly laying back in my chair.

"I'm sure anyone would be frustrated while learning to use legs for the first time."

Mera defended me and subtly gave me a nod. I let out a sigh, ready to vent out all of my frustrations.

"I don't know what to do. I keep losing matches cause of my lack of experience. The result is always the same no matter what I put in..."

The Queen nods.

"I expected something like this to happen. "She says bluntly and the comment is enough for me to waver, scoffing. The Queen looks at me as-a-matter-of-factly.

"No offense to you, Leora. Knightly training is taken very seriously. Only a select few are able to do so."

"Is that why I'm failing then? Because I was never chosen to do this? Because I'm not qualified?"

My voice raises slightly and the Queen raises her hand to calm me.

"Leora, these recruits have been trained prior to entering the palace; whether it was by attending the academy or training in their respective houses. They've trained their entire lives for this. This isn't only cause of experience. What you need to do is ask yourself if you really want to do this or if this is only done on a whim."

I bit my tongue before answering her. "I've been living at my estate for years, confined to attending social gathering and studying..."

Mera and the Queen look at me sympathetically. "The day I saw the two recruits spar was the day, I knew what I wanted to be in life. I wanted to learn how to defend myself and the people around me."

I clenched my jaw before continuing. "...But I need guidance."

"Maybe the knights of Lazurin would be willing to help?" Mera suggests which I vehemently declined.

"They would quickly rat me out to mother the first chance they get. Mother only thinks that I'm learning sorcery at the palace and even then, she has a problem with me learning here."

I glance at the Queen before lowering my gaze at the floor.

"Vulko can help you. You need only ask."

"No offense, my Queen, but Vulko is the Vizier of Atlantis. I highly doubt that he has time for one recruit."

The queen shakes her head. "You are more than a recruit, Leora."

She says, and my brow creases.

"He has even less time for a noble, Your Majesty." She rests a hand on my shoulder.

"Just try and talk to him. You'll be surprised."

My lips thin as I consider the Queen's advice. Of the two weeks I've known Vulko, he's changed from that strange man I met to someone who is dignified and intimidating.

Would he really go out of his way to help me?

There was only one way to find out.

After classes with the Queen, I waited for training sessions to finish before heading inside the empty room.

Vulko was just about to head out before noticing me by the entrance.

"Leora, what-"

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. It won't happen again."

Vulko nods however his face still seemed unbothered. "It's okay. You only recently gained legs, so of course it would be difficult to adjust."

"That doesn't matter. Even before I got legs, I was struggling to keep up which is the other reason I'm here."

I kneel down on one leg, bowing my head and wobbling from the foreign action.

"Please teach me! I know you're busy with other tasks, but I won't disappoint you. Not anymore. Just give me this chance and I'll-"

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up. Vulko looks down at me with the widest grin I've seen from him. He offers his hand helping me up from the floor.

"It takes a strong sense of responsibility to be able to ask for help, Leora. I appreciate it."

"So what's your answer?" He looks over to the clock on the wall and then at me.

"I have other tasks that can't be held back today."

I look away, shoulders lowered.

"I see then..." "However, I can make time for tomorrow, before training hours."

My eyes shoot towards him and I hug him from overflowing excitement.

"Thank you! I won't let you down!"

I step away from him and see his wide-eyed stare. He was shocked from the sudden hug and I awkwardly rub the back of my neck.

"Ahem, well then, we'l meet here 2 hours before training starts."

"Understood, Master."

I say as I bow once more, a weight lifted from my shoulders.

*Three Years Later*

Mera and Queen Atlanna were already at the gazebo, waiting for me to arrive before starting today's lesson.

I drop my things next to my chair and take a seat.

"Something wrong again, Ora? You seem out of it."

"My...mother decided to schedule a play date with one of my suitors...We can talk about it later. The both of you have been waiting long enough."

I turn to wait for the lesson to start and the Queen looks worriedly at me.

"If there is a problem I'd be happy to be your confidant."

"I'm fine, Your Majesty. Nothing a little hard-pressed sobbing can't handle."

"Are you certain? You seem a little over exerted."

Mera chimes in, and just as I'm about to deflect their questions, the garden gates slam open, a group of Atlantean knights approaching the gazebo.

"Queen Atlanna, you are hereby arrested on the charges of treason against the crown."

Mera and I glanced at each other before rising from our respective seats and materializing our magic.

The knights aimed their guns at us, and as we stood against each other, the Queen orders Mera and I to stand down.

"What?" I shout.

"My Queen, we can't-"

Queen Atlanna raises her hand while keeping her composure.

"It's okay...I was expecting this for quite some time." She says as she walks in front of us.

Before turning herself over to the knight's custody, she brings Mera and me into a tight hug.

"Promise me you'll help him when the time comes."

"What do you mean? Help who?"

Mera asks and the Queen only smiles before leaving to go with the knights.

"Your Majesty!...Your Majesty!"

No matter how much I call, she doesn't turn around.

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