Vulko returns to the palace, weary of the soft murmurs and dirty looks given to him by the servants and nobleman.

He had rushed to the main hall as soon as he was informed of Queen Atlanna's incarceration.

"She's done nothing to deserve this! Why would she commit treason against her own people!"

"We demand to know why you're treating her this way!"

Vulko's eyes snap to the entrance of the throne room. Leora and Mera yelled at the statue like guards. It was all futile, they were as still as rocks.

Leora's eyes snap towards Vulko, and she charges after him like a bull eyeing a red flag. 


She shouts as she pushes him back. "Where have you been! Why weren't you here!?"

Mera held Leora back, becoming the voice of reason keeping her at bay. "He had no idea something like this would happen, Leora. Maybe he can actually help us get some answers instead of you beating on him for no reason."

Leora grit her teeth as she stepped back. Vulko was understanding of why Leora and Mera were so distressed. 

In fact, he knew exactly the cause of their misfortune. The Queen had been found out. The existence of her half-born heir was no longer a secret.

He knew that he would be fine since the guards would have already captured him before stepping foot in Atlantis. 

Vulko looks down at the children before him, taking in their devastated faces. He thought to reassure them before going into the throne room.

"Don't worry..." He placed both hands on their respective shoulder and mustered up his best smile. "I'll find out what happened here. Everything will be fine."

Although the girls both knew that he was lying, hearing someone say that to them helped them relax just a bit. It was in Vulko's hands now and as they watched him walk into the throne room, all they could do now was wait.

Moments pass and the wait was agonizing. 

Finally, a door slams open, but it wasn't the one to the throne room. King Nereus, along with King Ricou, glided down the hall with urgency.

Their daughters' eyes widen at the sight.

"Father? What are you–"

"You are coming with me, Mera. What's happening here doesn't concern Xebel."

"I have also come to retrieve you, Lelazora."

It was odd to see the two kings in Atlantis. Usually, the servants would be the ones to escort the princesses home.

However, the situation was different. The two kings were worried about their daughters' wellbeing. Leora was skeptical, though. It was obvious in the way she glowered at her father.

Mera is the first of the two to speak up.

"Father, I can't leave her in there! She needs me!"

He looks at her with a sympathetic smile. "I understand...Take her to the ship."

"What?! NO!"

Xebellian guards carry out the order and seize Mera. Before, Leora could do anything to help her, she is also restrained by Fisherman guards, taking her to their ship.


King Ricou turns and eyes his daughter, stunned at what she called him. 

"Father, please!"

It'd been a long time since she had addressed him as such. Though, the moment was short-lived as he turns away from her.

"Take her to the vessel, at once."

"No! NO!" She struggles against her captors, but to no avail. She was escorted against her will to the Fisherman Royal Vessel where she awaited her father.

She didn't bother speaking to him, let alone looking at him as the rode in silence. Several moments would pass before King Ricou would speak up after letting out an awkward cough.

"I hope that you understand one day that this was–" "For the best?"

Leora cuts him off as she glared out the window.

"That's all I ever hear. You and mother never let me make decisions for myself. I never get to do anything without your approval."

"We are your parents, Lelazora. The decisions we make are so that you can succeed in life—to be happy."

I laugh. "Ha! You were barely there! I don't even live under the same roof as you!"

"I am well aware of how I treated you and Eldoris. That's why I want to be there now. What would've happened if I had left you there in Atlantis? You would have begged and begged for one last chance to see her. That tyrant would have granted your wish only to sacrifice you along with her. Or worse, he would have kept you as some sort of exotic pet."

"Better that being here with you..."

The king sighs. "You are alive and free. You can see your mother and loved ones again. I'm sure they're worried and waiting for you to return."

I bite my lip, ignoring my father. 

"After what happened in Atlantis, I don't feel safe leaving you return there. And with the Queen gone, you'll need to find a new mentor."

"Vulko is my mentor! I said that I wanted to be a knight!"

"I know. Against your mother's judgement, you wanted to pursue the knighthood. I'm not going to stop you, but I am going to make an offer."

I look at him, chin in hand.

"I am creating a new sector of knights; sirens dedicated to the crown and willing to perform the more discreet tasks. I want you to join them."

"No...I don't think I will..."

Not even considering what he was asking of me, I declined. I was loyal to Vulko. He had trained me over the years; to the point where I considered him like a father.

"I understand why you would be reluctant to join, but the offer will always be there if you choose to accept."

"Well, don't hold your breath." I huffed, waiting for this ride to be over.

* * *

It'd been months since Queen Atlanta had been executed for bearing a son on land. I decided to resume my squirehood under Vulko. Though, I was never the same after she left. 

I was like a shell of my former self, and as much as I wanted to trust Vulko, I couldn't help but feel like things could've been different if he had been there.

Maybe he could've warned the Queen of the King's motives and given her the chance to escape. Or maybe he could've asked the king to be more lenient towards her.

These thoughts have caused a noticeable divide between mentor and pupil. It made me feel like I was being loyal to him, cause I wasn't. 

When he would go off on some unknown errand, I would accept his convenient excuses, but a gut feeling would grow heavier with each excuse.

I'd have enough. I wanted to know the truth.

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