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walking into the school building.
a rush of nervousness came over
me. tsumu puts his arm around
my shoulders and tells me

everything will be ok, if you
don't like the environment
you can always do your
online school.

right i just don't want to
be used or get a scandal

tsumu nods, he knows how
much your career means to

we walk to the office with fan
girls swarming the halls.

miya atsumu and who
do you have here?

hi i'm miya y/n i'm
looking to sign up for
school here.

sister? well just fill out these
papers here. atsumu-kun
you can wait for her to finish up
then you can show y/n-chan
around the school.

where could i order the uniforms?

here i'll give you a piece
of paper with the information.

after filling everything out
i got a tour around the school.

this school is so big

try not to get lost

no promises


i walked back home because
tsumu had school. i had ordered
my uniform for school and i start
school next week.

in my room i decided to take a nap.
what's the harm with taking a nap right?

waking up to the sound
of loud voices.

walking downstairs to see
a group of boys on our couch.
walking to the living room,
i rest my head on samus thighs

you guys are way too loud.
im still jet lagged.

sorry y/n did we disturb
your sleep?

yeah but it's fine it's
not like i have to do anything

i checked my phone for emails.

reminders script pickup was
moved to tomorrow, due to
everyone now being in japan.

i sigh, knowing i now have to
memorize a whole script while
doing in school.

getting up and walking back
up stairs, but as i got up i tripped.

i got up to see suna smirking.

i breathe out the breath
i was holding. i roll my eyes
and walk upstairs

what's her problem?

i don't know? oh yeah
maybe because you
tripped her.

i take my makeup off and do my
night time routine before heading
back to bed.

i have a long day tomorrow.

i wake up the next morning,
the aroma of fresh onigiri.

in an instant i know that
samu cook it. tsumu was
banned from the kitchen,
due to almost burning down
the house trying to cook an

i got dressed for my day. wearing
some mom jeans, a white short sleeve
crop top with a cropped argyle sweater
vest on top.

putting some makeup on knowing
the producers would want to take
pictures of everyone.

i look at myself in the mirror one
last time before walking out of my room.

maybe i should decorate my room, it
is quite plain since i just moved in.

good morning anything
important today?

yes i have to pick up my
script for the movie, and
no tsumu you can not read
through it.

but y/nnn i wanna see
what the movie about.

you could just ask me,
i don't want to ruin it
for you.

when you have a movie
premier event could
i be your plus one?

i'll think about it.

grabbing an onigiri to eat, i
checked my social media's

@iwannacry just made a new tweet
sometimes i just wanna run down
steps of a castle with a ballgown
on. maybe with a guy too i'm
single hmu😩

i tweet out on my secret spam
twitter account with only a few
people following.

did you really just tweet out
that you're single?

yeah and what about it

what happened to that one
guy that looked like ed sheeran
but with black hair?

he cheated on me lol

the room goes silent as i
just laugh off the pain.
checking the time i realize
i had to go.

ok peace out now

getting my keys i leave
the house.

only to be faced with suna about
to knock on the door.

he smirks as i just push him away.
he walks into the house as i walk
to the nearest train station.

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