Chapter twelve

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Yuyu could feel herself quivering with fear. It felt like everything they have worked for so far was falling apart.

Divided we fall. Where are you Gar, Peter, and Phantom? I hope you're okay.

Yuyu gently pulled Hurricane to her side. She didn't want to injure the fairy-type.

"I'm okay," she shyly concluded after she checked herself a bit.

But Eule should be worried about Hurricane, not me. She's the one who took the real beating.

Even as Yuyu pondered to herself she could feel herself swaying to and fro on the verge of submitting to the world of dreams.

"You don't look fine to me. Come with me. I will call Mwamini and tell her that you're here. She must be worried sick about you two." Eule claimed with a serious expression on his face.

There was something quite curious that Yuyu couldn't quite understand on Eule's face too, but he looked quite happy to be talking about Mwamini.

Yuyu smiled.

Mwamini was lucky to have a friend like Eule.

Guess I'm lucky too. Maybe I can be friends with Eule too!

Yuyu followed Eule's lead, trying to pick up Hurricane who was half unconscious half conscious.

She was mumbling jibberish that Yuyu couldn't understand.

Yuyu cried out as she tried to pick up her friend.

She flopped over, not strong enough at this point to pick up her fairy friend.

She struggled to get up.

The battle with the Pikachu took a toll on her. It wasn't like she wanted to fight him anyways. She was forced into the fight because he was being aggressive.

She could feel her wounds, but it wasn't like she wanted to fall over unconscious right there. It would give Eule too much burden.

"Here, let me help." Eule remarked as he turned around to see how she was doing.

The green-and-cream colored ghost-grass type waddled over to her, gently bending down to pick up the fairy.

He straightened up and walked into the building.

Yuyu sighed, following him with her gaze focused on the ground.

We got a long way to go before we can handle anything, don't we? Yuyu wondered as she hobbled after Eule. But if anyone can do will be us. I won't let us give up.

The two were quiet as Eule walked in the squad, murmurs could be heard. The surprising whispers of the other starters within the building as their gaze turned to Yuyu gave her unease for many reasons.

"Poor thing!" One squealed.

"So that's one of the members of the so-called 'Ghost Squad?' She doesn't look powerful." Another one grunted.

"They look pretty beaten up. Did the ghost do that to poor Cutiefly?" Whispered another.

"I doubt it. That Mimikyu looks pretty timid."

"Guess we're scaring her, eh?"

Yuyu pressed her shadowed claw against the forehead on her disguise's face.

She didn't like the attention.

However, she did like how grand this building was. It was definitely bigger on the inside than on the outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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