Chapter eleven

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" It's your fault we got lost!" Peter yells at Gar. " Everything looks the same out here. It wasn't my fault that our friends left is it?" Gar retorted.

" I'm still here," Phantom pointed out. " Well the girls left us here. I blame you." Peter snarled at Gar. " It wasn't me who suggested Yuyu to be leader." Gar snapped back.

" I thought you would always have my back, but I guess you're more concerned about being an idiot above all things." Gar continued. Phantom seemed a bit tense with all that was occurring.

" You think I'm an idiot for want the best for Yuyu? Wow. How selfish are you?!" Peter growled at him. " You only suggested her because you like her. Like more than you should." Gar snarled.

" You're not even making any sense right now!" Peter yelled. Gar only growled. " Why the hell is it so important that you be leader? Why can't you accept the fact that there's another person besides you an I who wants the Ghost Squad to prevail?"

Gar looked away. " You won't understand it." He responded. " I will never understand it unless you tell
Me what the distortion world is going on with you!" Peter shouted.

Phantom was hiding behind a tree. He's probably waiting it out. Waiting until we stop fighting, but will we ever stop fighting? There's too much going on. It's a lot. Gar thought as he contemplated whether or not to tell his friend.

Or his ex-friend. He wasn't sure where they stood now. He couldn't stand to tell him. It was just...horrible especially as a friend to be this way.

Peter indicated for him to go on. He opened his mouth to talk, but he was not able to say a thing. The Druddigon from before came crashing in. " You!" He roared at them.

" D-D-Druddigon!" Gar stuttered. How did he find us? He was sure none of them knew, but no one wanted to find out with that rage the Druddigon was having. The Druddigon lumbered around slowly, swatting his claws at them.

Something was different about the Pokémon. He didn't seem to be in control. His eyes were a different color. " What is going on here?" Peter asked as a Dragon Claw was brought down on him, sending him flying.

Gar gritted his teeth. This bully attacked his friend. " Yeah, what's going on here? I thought you ran away." Gar flashed at him. His eyes shown no sign of acknowledgement of what happened.

The Druddigon glared Down at him with glowing eyes. " You have been mistaken. I was planning on coming back to finish what must be done. The Ghost Squad must be destroyed! What's left must be gotten rid of!" Druddigon roared as he sank his fangs into Phantom.

Phantom screamed in pain. It wasn't super effective, but the Druddigon's Crunch was strange. It was stronger than it usually was. It also seemed to be glowing.

Something weird is going on. What the heck is with this Druddigon? " Help!" Phantom cried out. Gar instantly went into action. He was sure that the Druddigon had broken the ghost's bones by now. Yes ghost types have bones.

Gar focused all his energy on the Druddigon. Pain coursed through his body, but Gar accepted it. He always wanted to curse an idiot. Just not in the way he intended.

This was no time for jokes. Phantom could die. Druddigon screeched as he opened his mouth and Phantom rolled from it, limp. His eyes were swirled. The Druddigon flinched with pain.

His eyes opened up, and he roared, trying to swipe at Phantom once more. Wherever Peter was it was obvious he was still mad at Gar. He was no where to be found.

Gar reached out with his ghost powers to grab at his pal, pulling him back from the claws of the strong opponent. He wasn't this hard last time. What was so different then?

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