Chapter four

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Yuyu looked around in confusion and fright. " Stella?" She asked. The Sylveon in front of her snarled in disgust. " Ugh. That's my daughter you cunt." The female insulted Yuyu.

The Sylveon looked like a Bouffalant, readying themselves to hit the matador with the red flag. She leapt at her, and was about to grab Yuyu. Yuyu's shadow hand reached out and grabbed the Sylveon to stop her. " What do you and your daughter have against me? I did nothing to harm you. So why?" Yuyu asked her.

" Yuyu," Peter began to warn, as he was trying to defeat Bucky along with Gar and Hurricane. The Skyarmory wasn't giving them a fair advantage as he was swooping in and out of the sky. At least Hurricane was safe for now, out of the grip of the metal bird.

The Sylveon only chuckled evilly. " As if you don't know. You don't know what I've been through, faggot! Your kind betrayed me, bitch!" The Sylveon growled, biting into Yuyu's hand.

Yuyu yelped, and the Sylveon took that chance to use Psychic. Yuyu hissed in pain as the Sylveon's Psychic caused more damage than she ever felt before. Yuyu's eyes were now closed. She barely opened one. The Sylveon had a wicked smile on her face.

A gasp filled the air. Yuyu looked and saw a pissed off look on one of her new friend's face. Peter suddenly tried to tackle the Sylveon.

" Get off!" She growled as she tried to ferociously shake off the Shuppet. Considering he didn't have any hands it was a miracle he didn't let go. The Shuppet used Hex and several really fast attacks that Yuyu couldn't see. " To no avail, the Ghost Squad will prevail!" Gar exclaimed, licking the Sylveon, paralyzing her.

The Sylveon grunted as she tried to get up. " To no avail, the Ghost Squad will prevail!" Gar joked a bit. " Stop repeating that useless phrase." The Sylveon growled, as she used Sand Attack on Yuyu.

" Uh, hello?" Both Bucky and Hurricane commented, as if they both figured out that they had been forgotten. The Sylveon snarled. " There's something weird about her eyes." Gar says in Yuyu's rag ears.

" You ghosts should just die already!" Sylveon growled. Gar raised a random object in the air as if he was raising his hand. " But we're already dead. How does that work?" He asked. " Here, I'll show you." Sylveon snarled, leaping at Yuyu.

Yuyu used Hammer Arm to knock her back. " Just give up. Your kind is meant to die. You're all ugly freaks!" Sylveon insulted.

" 'Says you.'" A new voice commented. The Sylveon swiveled her head as did Yuyu, Gar, and Peter. It wasn't anyone she could recognize. A bright light from yellow rings indicated it was an Umbreon.

" Of course you dark types would say that. You're just as hated as them. Losers." The Sylveon snorted. She was smacked by a Leaf Blade. A Treecko was in Attack position behind her. " Barney you are under arrest for the murder and exile of countless ghost types and Pokémon." He stated.

" Ah the Starter Squad. What's with the Umbreon? You usually don't recruit any Pokémon unless they're starters or dumb and freakishly ugly Pikachu." Barney insulted.

" Does anyone notice that I'm still here?" Bucky asks. " I do." The Umbreon states, raising a paw. " Him? He just helps us by warning us of danger. He's not in the squad." The Treecko stated.

" Ooh! Beautifly!" Umbreon exclaimed in excitement as he chased the poor bug who happened to by flying by when he stated that.

" Of course. But you do realize you won't win right?" Barney asked. " Uh there's more of us, so duh we will win. And even if we didn't have this many Pokémon we would still beat the shit out of your little Sylveon butt." Peter declared.

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