Chapter nine

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The Steel Wing was easily avoided. Yuyu curled her claw. " Go back into your cell!" Hurricane shouted. She was up now. " Oh great it's the bug. And I think she wants to be squished." Bucky groaned, hitting his face with his wing.

Hurricane flew over to Bucky, and started to bug him. Bucky screeched as he tries to swat at the little bug. Hurricane giggled as she dodges every time he swats at her.

Gar popped out. Of course he was up by now as well. He used Lick on Bucky, slowly licking him. The Ghost-And-Poison type seemed to enjoy sticking his tongue in random places and on random places.

Bucky screeches with disgust clearly written on his metallic features. Bucky tries to hit Gar, but Gar disappears. " Coward!" Bucky snarls, trying to take them all on at once.

He was about to attack Hurricane once more. Suddenly, an arrow whizzed past Yuyu and struck the metal bird in his wing. He plummeted to the ground. The arrow struck through his wing.

He screeches and flutters his metal wings around like that would do something. Nothing. " That should stop the brute for now." Eule told them. " Why am I always the one getting my wings ripped?!" Bucky wailed as he frustratedly flaps his metal wings, trying to take flight.

" You sir are going to jail and are going to be there for a very long time, even if it is juvie." Eule stated as he casually walks over to the metal bird. " No I won't! I won't go back. You can't make me, grass bitch!" Bucky screeched.

Eule pulls out pokecuffs. " Don't struggle, kid. You'll only make this worse for yourself. Trust me, you don't want to end up being as bad as Tudi." Eule told him. " What about Barney, Abeja, Druddigon, and Stella? Aren't you going to arrest them too?" Yuyu questions, glimpsing over to see that the Druddigon was already gone.

He had abandoned his team mates. What a jerk. Then again he wasn't any good guy either. " We've got this one handled, kid. You just stand back and let the Starter Squad handle this." Pip, the Primarina, rumbled.

" Kid? You're the one who's younger than me." Yuyu stated. " I just look young, Pika copycat." Pip stared, pulling up his hood so that no one looked under it. " And beautiful." Parker, the Dewott, snickered. " I'll shove your scallops up your ass!" Pip shouts.

" I'd like to see that." Gar whispers to Yuyu who just giggles and that caught Peter's attention who glared at is friend. He mouthed something to his friend who looked ghastly after whatever Peter mouthed to him.

" Hey it's not my fault you look like a girl." Parker commented, waving off his threat like they were old buddies or something. " I do not look like a lady! Stop saying that!" Pip shouts, flipper slapping Parker.

Parker yelped before hitting him back. " Ladies, please. I know you love each other, but please not here." Spout, the Blastoise groaned, facepawing. " Oh shut up!" Parker shouts, his face now red. " What is going on?" Yuyu asked with pure innocence.

Pip glanced at Yuyu. His face suddenly sweat dropped. " Oh nothing." He told her, patting her head. " Well, we better get these guys over to the Starter Squad." Spout commented, placing cuffs on Abeja's feelers. " You're going to take them all? Don't they escape easily? Wouldn't it be better if we take one?" Gar asked, cockily.

He placed an invisible hand that he didn't have on Barney. " Can't we decide this later?" Parker groaned as he face palms. The Ghost Squad all exchanges glances. " Give us one." Mwamini states. " Your 'last one' escaped." Pip told them snarkily.

" So did yours." Peter stayed, indicating to Barney. " Oh shut up! It's just the idiotic ones that get out!" Parker snarled. Gar snickered. " So all of them?" He asked, finding that entertaining and funny. " Not all of them escape!!! Geez, you insult the Starter Squad like we can't even catch a Pokémon without them getting away." Pip groans.

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