Chapter two

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The three ghost types made their way into Ghostland. " I'm surprised he hasn't started singing that dumb son by now." Gar mumbles. " I would, but I can't find my guitar. It's like someone purposely hid it on me." Peter said, apparently trying to find his guitar with no hands.

Gar snickered as silently as he could, but Yuyu could still hear him. " That's because I hid it." He said. Yuyu almost giggled at that.

" Oh well. Guess I should be chauffeuring the pretty lady around." Peter said, unaware of what he just said. Yuyu didn't seem to even hear him though, because she's too busy looking at all the wonderful ghosts in this town/land.

A Duskull offered a female Yamask help with her groceries. She accepted. Though there was one ghost that was out of place. Shouldn't he still be with the Starter community? She asked herself as she stared at a Decidueye.

He was tapping his foot impatiently. It didn't look as if he was uncomfortable here as there was at least one more kind of Pokémon that had the exact same typing as him, which happened to be Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist.

" Where is she? She's late." He said simply. Gar and Peter both noticed where Yuyu's attention was. It wasn't on their tour. It was a dumb tour. Instead she was watching a starter ghost type.

" That's Eule." Is all Peter said, introducing the Decidueye to her, despite him not being by them at all. " He's a part of the Starter Squad. He never retires." Gar complained.

Yuyu only nodded her rag head. Eule stared off into the distance, not aware three ghosts were basically stalking him. A Mismagius was flying all the way at the Starter, though he didn't flinch when she crashed into him. " Hello!" The Mismagius chirped to the ghost/grass type. " You're late, Mwamini." Is all he said.

Mwamini just blinked at him. " Yeah, but I had to do something." She said. " Is it really more important than the matter in our hands?" He asked, sounding a bit irritated at her antics.

" What matter are we speaking of now? Tudi or Tisa?" Mwamini asked. " No! Neither! This one works alone and hates practically every Pokémon." Eule said, facepalming. " Ooh! Is it Barney?" Mwamini asked. " That would be great. I hate Barney." Peter said.

" What kind of a name is Barney? And who are they?" Yuyu asked. Gar snickered. " Oh?!" He suddenly asked. " Barney is the name of this criminal. She's ruthless and of course a female." Gar said, snickering even more. " No wonder she's a villain. She has the world's stupidest name!" Peter cheered.

" But what kind of a Pokémon is she?" Yuyu asked. " Funny thing is she's a Sylveon. It is rumored she is now living in Fairy Village, but that's absolutely stupid!" Gar howled with laughter. " Sylveon? She's a Sylveon?" She asked. " Yeah. Not only does she kill, but she is the reason why most Ghost-types are here." Peter told her.

" Oh." Yuyu said, feeling as if she knew this Sylveon, but didn't know where. " Who is that Mismagius?" Yuyu asked. " Mwamini if you didn't hear." Peter said. " She's smoking hot." Gar added randomly.

" Gar!" Peter said, slugging his friend with his ragged head. " Anyways, she's the leader of this new Ghost Squad. Pretty good idea, huh?!" Peter asked. " I guess." She said, shrugging.

" I don't know what you're talking about then." Mwamini said. " He's a Skyarmory. I can't believe you haven't heard of him. He has this most stupid name, as if someone named him without a second thought." Eule told her.

" He has a stupid name?" She asked him. " Yeah. Well, I personally think it sucks." He said. " What's this guy's name then?" Mwamini asked. " I don't know! We've been trying to figure this one out for months! But he strikes in the most unexpected of places." Eule told her.

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