Chapter one

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A Mimikyu reaches up into a tree, picking a huge big apple. She smiles. She looks around. No one's here. Good, she thought. She put the apple on the ground. She was about to put it under her cloak. Her Pikachu looking cloth. Suddenly, a pink-white Pokémon dashed out, using Quick Attack, and ran away with the apple.

" Hey! What gives?!" The Mimikyu asked, obviously very agitated at this Pokémon. " Oh, was this yours?" The Sylveon teased, holding the delicious apple in the air. She was waving it about.

" Yes! How could you inconsiderably not notice that I had it?!" The Mimikyu asked. " Oh, I did. I just thought it'd be great to take it, Yuyu." The Sylveon laughed. " It's not funny, Stella! Why do you always do these sorts of things to me?!" Yuyu asked her."'re a ghost type. You may be a fairy in this Fairy Village, but you don't belong. You never will, Ghost-type." Stella growled.

And in a swift movement, the Sylveon gulped down the apple that Yuyu has picked. She didn't even pick it for herself. It was for her sick father. He had fallen sick and she thought she could make him better by giving him that apple.

" You don't really think that, do you?" Yuyu asked. " You still think we can be friends? You're that dense huh?" Stella laughed. " I believe it! I believe it! You can't change the fact that this world is indeed changing, Stella." Yuyu said. " Ha ha! How funny! The little Pikachu imposter thinks the world is changing! Well get this, fluke, you'll never be anything more than a dumb ghost!" Stella said, and she shoved Yuyu to the ground.

Yuyu sniffled. That hurt so much. Not physically. Emotionally. Usually she was so brave and confident, but around this Sylveon she wasn't so much.

" Awe~," Stella teased. " Is the wittle ghost gonna cry? Well, go ahead and do it. It won't change the fact that you are evil." The Sylveon said, pressing a paw on her cloth. Stella's paw extended a claw.

" What are you-" Yuyu asked. Stella's claw went into the fairy-and-Ghost-type's cloth. The cloth began to tear. " No! What are you doing?!" Yuyu asked. Stella sneered. " Isn't it obvious, dumbass? I'm ripping your dumb disguise so everyone can see how ugly you ghost-types really are."

Yuyu screamed at her to stop. She just laughs. It becomes a snort. The Sylveon found it really funny. " Mimikyu love their disguises too much! Being yourself much really be hard!" Stella said.

She then bent her head down, meeting with the Mimikyu's cloth. " I told you to stop!" She wailed her hand clenching as it came out. " Hah! What are you gonna do about it, baby?" Stella asked.

Suddenly the hand turned harder. Stella broke Yuyu. She brought down the fist in a Wood Hammer attack. Stella got buried underneath the hard ground that was around them.

Stella was stunned for a moment. She shook her head. " Is that all you've got? That's the weakest Wood Hammer I've ever seen!" Stella continued to tease. " That's probably the only one you've seen, Stella. We're both seventeen. So you can't possibly have fought any faith in this village other than me with this move! It's a grass type move that I learned right away." Yuyu said, getting a her composure back. Life was always like this for her and her family too.

" Arceus!!!! What the fuck happened?! What did you do to my daughter, you Ghost type?!" Another Sylveon asked, in a shout, using Take Down on Yuyu without hesitation. She went through the ghost type.

" She's the one who attacked me. She stole an apple that I picked first! Your daughter needs some respect for Mimikyu!" Yuyu shouted back. " Respect?!" The full adult Sylveon asked, then laughed. " I'll give you no respect. You're just a child. Children like you get no respect from the beauty of us. You and your kind are a disgrace to fairy-types. I want you to apologize to my daughter, or else." The Sylveon said, voice now in a threatening growl.

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