Chapter seven

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Yuyu landed on something soft. She bounced right off it. It was Peter. " Dang stupid Druddigon!" Peter grumbled as he shook out the pebbles in his cloth.

Yuyu glances around. " I'm surprised you didn't just float to stop your fall." She stated. " You were on top of me. I can't move when something blocks me from moving." Peter explained. Yuyu brushed herself off.

" Well we better find a way to get back up there. Let's go this way." Yuyu stated, walking a bit of ways before stopping. " Come on Peter, we got to get back to arrest those silly outlaws!" She said. Peter blinked.

" We don't even know where we're going. How are we going to get back if we have no idea what our surrounds are exactly?" Peter asked. Yuyu seemed to shrug under her cloth. " Beats me. But we have to try to begin looking for a way back up there." She says, pointing with her shadow claw.

Peter followed her gaze and claw before turning back to her. " We've got to come up with a plan." He said, trying to be serious. It wasn't exactly his thing. " Are there any stairs or can you float us up there?" Yuyu asked.

" No! Maybe myself, but you don't float. You're too heavy to carry anyways." He commented. " Yeah, Yeah. I know. I'm fat. Don't have to point it out." Yuyu states as Peter began to protest.

" No it's not that. I'm just...not....strong enough to carry you." Peter tries. Yuyu ignores him as she starts walking a certain direction. After a while of walking and floating, they made it to a town.

" What the fuck happened here?" Peter asked in surprise. It was charred, as if something or someone burned it down in anger. The city was in ruins. A gleeful bark rang out around them. " I don't like this place." Yuyu said.

" Who did this?" Peter asked, running a hex attack on one of the buildings. It had claw marks and burn marks. " I don't know. Is it another outlaw?" Yuyu asked, running her claw up the claw marks.

A chuckle behind them startled them both. Yuyu leapt in the air while Peter whirled around and used Shadow Ball as of instinct. Yuyu turned around and saw a Ninetales and a Darkrai. And if she had looked up she would have seen a Togekiss.

The ground rumbled underneath her.
" Look out, Yuyu!" Peter exclaimed. It was too late, she was slammed by an Sandslash. She moved her body out of the way in order to not get slashed by this monster.

Yuyu slid against the ground. She got up and her claw prepared a move. " Who are you?!" She yelled as she slammed her claw upon the Sandslash. The Sandslash dodged without trying.

" Your worst nightmare." The Darkrai punned. The Ninetales and Sandslash seemed to have internally facepawed. The Togekiss only seemed to clap her wings as if she was stupid enough to like the horrible pun.

" And why'd you attack us out of the blue? I don't suppose it has something do with us being sexy ghost types right?" Peter asked, trying to lighten the mood. " Oh get a mirror ugly." The Ninetales growled, yellow flames coming out of her mouth as she used Flameflower.

It hit Peter and he screamed in pain. The Ninetales didn't seem to want to stop. Yuyu tried not to panic at her friend being burned alive. She used Wood Hammeron the fire type, who ignored it.

" Stop!" She yelled. The Ninetales ignored her, laughing sadistically. " Why would I? You're a part of that new dinky squad aren't you? We've been watching your pathetic attempts." The Ninetales stated. " Once again, who are you?" Yuyu growled, surprising her with a Play Rough.

The Ninetales cried out, stopping her attacks. Ninetales panted, trying to get her breath. " Fucking dumb Togekiss. Attack her, Witness!" The Sandslash screamed at the sky flier.

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