Chapter three

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The three ghost types explored the forest, searching every possible place for a Skyarmory. " How old is this guy anyways? I've never heard of him before." Yuyu questions, looking in a bush.

That didn't help. " Around 15, so he's younger then us. I don't get why he became a bad guy. His story's stupid. He turned bad because of this Nidoking who beat up the kids every time they did something naughty. That's no reason to just go slaughter him and the whole world." Peter commented.

" What I don't get is how that school even survived. And why parents sent kids there if they were going to be punished for being imaginative." Gar told them, looking behind a tree. Peter looked up.

" Wouldn't it be smarter if we all looked up?" He asked. " Probably, but this fucked up outlaw probably is in the most unexpected place." Gar told him, going through every blade of grass.

Yuyu started to climb a tree. She slipped a bit. She got her hold, when she swung her body onto a branch. She was looking at a hive. " What is this? Combee and Vespiquen?" She asked as she peeked in.

It wasn't a hive of Combee and Vespiquen, that's for sure. Yuyu looked inside of it. " I would get your head out of there. Pokémon, especially bugs, don't like it when ghosts look into their homes." Gar told her.

She wasn't listening. She was watching the Cutiefly and Ribombee making honey. When they all looked at her in the face, none screeched. In fact, all of them waved friendly at her. She waved back with her one black shadow hand.

" Welcome, Mimikyu! To our hive." The Ribombee in charge greeted her. " What brings you here?" She asked. " Oh. I was just wondering what kind of Pokémon were in here. I was expecting a totally different kind of bee Pokémon." She told them, shyly.

The two male Pokémon below her were talking. " She shouldn't be in there. She'll get stung!" Peter exclaimed. " Why did she stick her head in there?" Gar questions.

" I don't know! Go up there!" Peter told him, trying to shove him. He disappeared before he reappeared. " No. You! I don't want to be stung by a bunch of Combee." Gar told him. " But..." Peter began before looking into a face of total ghost cuteness.

" Fine! Fine!" Peter sighed as he floated up to the tree. He grabbed Yuyu's cloak and pulled. Inside the beehive, the conversation was still going.

" Aha. I see. You're searching for an outlaw." Ribombee commented, as she pressed a feeler against her chin. " May I have a favor then?" She questions. Yuyu nodded. " Of course, Miss...." She began. " No, no, no. No need for the informalities. You may call me Abeja." She told her.

Abeja then put a feeler in her mouth and whistled. A Cutiefly flew nearby. " Yes, mother?" She asked. " Hurricane, I ask you to go with this Mimikyu." Abeja told her. Hurricane shyly looked at the Mimikyu. She didn't look fearful of her, just shy around her.

But she was just less shy when talking to her mom. Yuyu thought. " You want me to leave the hive and go with a complete stranger on a journey to where now?" Hurricane asked her mother.

" To capture an outlaw. I think we can make amends with this ghost type and inspire the world to love them." Abeja told her. The Cutiefly had her feeler on her chin in thought.

" So let me get this straight." She began, still in deep thought, a crown of flowers on her head. " You want me to go on a dangerous journey with a stranger, who I just met, to capture an outlaw? I'm in!" Hurricane exclaimed, determination on her small bug face.

" I knew you would want to help!" Abeja proudly told her daughter. " It's no biggie. I always wanted the chance to get out of this nest and see the world. But what sort of purpose would you have to make ties with ghosts?" She questions her.

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