Chapter 18

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"YOU HAD A DRAGON DOG!" Quil screamed with excitement during lunch making all eyes go to them

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"YOU HAD A DRAGON DOG!" Quil screamed with excitement during lunch making all eyes go to them. Justin began talking about a fake role playing game a little too Obviously but people still went to minding their business now thinking they may be nerds. "Yeah and he burnt my home work." Alex said deathly serious making everyone laugh. Harper for a different reason, "YOU did homework?" Harper asked in disbelief and the pack nodded making Alex gape at them. She even turned to Paul who had an arm gently placed behind her, he too was chuckling. "Wha- how dare you guys I am very interested in my education." Alex snorted looking down at dejected at her food.

Paul was about to force everyone to apologize including himself when Alex busted out laughing. "Yeah no I don't." She said as everyone stared at the wizards with wonder. "We had to get rid of him since he kept setting things on fire. Like our dad." Max said sadly even though it seemed like he liked the fact it did this as he smiled in memory. "No worst thing we did with magic was get stuck into the scary sorority movie. I know you guys think the girls are babes in those movies.... but being in it is a whole new story." Justin said wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead as the guys snorted and some told him how lucky he was. "Yeah Justin is definitely not the best partner in that situation." She pointed out looking at him dead serious. "I think I handled it pretty manly." He said trying to sound brave but Alex raised an eyebrow at him.

"You ran away and screamed like a little girl the ENTIRE time. And you almost made us die being dramatic, but yeah your REALLY brave." She said making Justin look at with embarrassment but the pack loved it. They found their stories hilarious and poor Seth nearly choked on a gulp of milk. "At least I didn't make someone at this table not exist, mom and dad didn't even remember me. Like you made me invisible, which would've been cooler in different circumstances. Not to mention the time you made the famous artworks leave their paintings, or the time you fell in love with yourself. And let's not forget the icing on the cake when mom and dad got separated and forgot all about us." Justin rushed out practically breathless and everyone looked to me thinking I'd last out but instead I busted out laughing wholeheartedly.

"Man I am funny huh?" Alex said trying to cover the fact she did feel bad for some of those and no one but Paul and Harper seemed to catch it. "Hey I've had some pretty funny moments too ha on know?" Max insisted and tried thinking of something before suddenly clapping his hands in realization. "There's that time I that I gave GiGi your magical diary." Max explained looking proud of himself. And Justin began making hand signals for him to drop it but Max clearly didn't understand.

"Remember then she found your baby blanket, your knight in shining armor and read it to the entire school." Max said as if he was reliving it right now happily. I just stared blankly at him as Justin tried digging Max out of the trouble he was in. "And hey Justin helped." Max said slapping his brothers back in thanks who looked absolutely terrified. "Knight in shining Armor?" Paul muttered angrily to himself as Ex just continued to look at her brothers with a silent hatred. "Listen Alex that was like what? 2 years ago. Let's just forgive and forget about the past huh." Justin's said but Alex just smiled at them wickedly.

Rebellious Wizard (Alex Russo/ Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now