Chapter 4

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Alex p/v

After lunch Alex of course had history and walked in the room following slowly behind a hyperactive Harper who was talking enthusiastically to a girl named Kim Crawford on some dumb author. Alex say next to the two groaning as their conversation continued. She began slamming her head down on the desk before a muffled, "make it stop" came out.

This caused students around to laugh as Alex's hands were tangled in her hair holding her head down hoping for the torture to end

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This caused students around to laugh as Alex's hands were tangled in her hair holding her head down hoping for the torture to end. "Don't mind Alex, readings not her thing..... and I mean that as in she has NEVER read a book...... and I seriously mean ever". She said seriously to Kim as she laughed quietly.

"Because reading is pointless, ya don't need it" Alex said nonchalantly before looking at the two in disgust. "Alex I really feel you'd like the Mystery series written by a famous author Mary...." before she could finish Alex let out a very load throwing up noise, that did not sound too lady like.

Kim laughed at the two, she had 'accidentally' ran into Harper while walking to class before complementing her cheese dress. Since then conversations flew between the two. Alex however had a hard time relating with the two nerds and tried zoning out to the best of her ability.

"I don't think these words have ever come out of my mouth before but when is this stupid class gonna start already!" She said earning a pointed look from the teacher as he walked in. And when she saw who it was her mouth dropped and she began laughing like a mad woman. "MR LARITATE!!!!" He was her old principal that left before she did. She never knew to where until then and felt estatic she was gonna get away with a lot this year.

When Mr Laritate noticed who it was he let out a loud girlish squeal before dropping everything in his arms and pointing at the girl

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When Mr Laritate noticed who it was he let out a loud girlish squeal before dropping everything in his arms and pointing at the girl. "A-a-a-a-lex R-r-r-ussso?!" He asked in a state of shock. "Heck yeah arnt you excited!" She said loudly. Causing him to adjust his bow tie, "They expel you?" He asked in a serious tone. He could never do it since he knew she had a want side but figured it was a matter of time before the new one would kick her out.

"Nope, moved here with my family, and Harper obviously..... And no but would've been a matter of time especially when Mrs. Alvin's figures out about the sprinklers" she said nonchalantly. Causing her old principal to tense up. "What'd you do to the sprinklers" he asked in fear, it came out a whisper. "Wellllllll lets just say it's not water" she said seriously. Mr laritate immediately made a disgusted face whipping his phone out, "if you'd excuse me class...... I gotta make a call.....for a completely different reason then what we were just talking about," he said nervously before jogging out.

"ALEX! You didn't tell me you did that"Harper asked in disbelief, but Alex waved her off. "That's because I didn't" she stood up and announced to her class. "Looks like class is canceled for the day, SEE YA!" She said before grabbing her things and walking out the door. Leaving the classroom quiet before students slowly followed her...... she seemed cool, they wanted to seem cool. Harper however sat in her seat mouth agape before loudly saying, "I will not risk my perfect attendance since kindergarten!" And began talking to Kim before a loud "NERD!!" Came from Alex in the Hallway.

3rd p/v

"You know I know a guy I think she should meet, something tells me they'd get along" Kim said it nonchalantly. But Embry, Jared, and Jacob looked at the mischievous Kim.... where was normal Kim?

Harpers eyes lit up, "really?! She hasn't dated anyone besides her 2 Ex's and believe me anything's an upgrade from that." Dean he was a good looking guy just really, really, REEAAALLLYY stupid in Harpers book, plus he never really showed Alex affection well. And then there was Mason who..... quite frankly had turned into a wolf and ran

"Trust me I think they'd be perfect together", Kim said before planning with Harper as the boys stared and thought of what Paul's reaction to this plan would be.

Rebellious Wizard (Alex Russo/ Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now