Chapter Thirteen

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Alex p/v

"You know your kinda a freak of nature?" Alex inquires curled up next to Paul as they lay in a beautiful meadow. Something he wanted to show her, that he had found in his wild form. The two had decided to go for a walk once everybody took in the boring brunette that had showed up with Jacob. The two wanted some alone time, no one knew they were already boyfriend and girlfriend but they all thought it'd be happening soon..... but it already had.

Paul chuckled lowly while with his eyes closed enjoying the heat of the sun. He looked like a god in that moment to Alex, with his head back, pearly whites smiling in pure joy. "How am I a freak?" Paul asked now looking to Alex who had her head on his chest. She did her normal Alex giggle making him smile even bigger in anticipation for her answer. "Your so tall, and warm. It's unnatural.....but don't worry......I still like you and those qualities of yours." Alex hummed and he seemed to be in thought.

"Do you believe in love at first sight? Paul asked in a strange voice clearly not sure even where he was going with this. Alex propped herself up on her elbow and looked him in the eyes, her eyebrows were furrowed and she had a slight pout. Paul wanted to kiss her and couldn't help his eyes from lingering at her lips. But he also really wanted to know Alex's thoughts on love.

"I-......I do now." She mumbled playing with hem of his shorts in an anxious manner. She didn't even notice the way he seemed to stiffen, look at her with a blush and wide eyes. One from where her hands were, and the other on what she said.

"Why do you now?" He asked uncertain it was him and made him aggravated if it wasn't. "Well on my first day at La Push, I met this guy......And believe me looks don't matter to me but........the second I looked him in the eyes I felt..........Like maybe he was the one". She said obviously referring to how she had ran into him in the hallway. She remembered how flustered she had gotten.

Paul's jaw clenched in anger. "Who?" He asked shaking underneath her hand. Her eyebrow quirked up and she looked at him dumbfounded. "And I thought I was stupid" Alex said with a shake of her head. But he still didn't get the hint he seemed to be vibrating at this point. So Alex laughed loudly, "ITS YOU DUMBASS!" she said trying to calm him but also contain her laughter.

Paul went deadly still at this and was again staring at her with wide eyes

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Paul went deadly still at this and was again staring at her with wide eyes. "You love me?" Paul asked just to be 100% sure on this. Alex shook her head before saying an awkward, "Yes.........I know we haven't been together long one I have ever been with before has made me feel even half the things you do. And as you know I'm usually a very unapologetic, confident jerk to most but your....different. What you think of me matters, and I also don't want anyone else trying to swoop in so-" Alex was rambling before Paul shut her up with a kiss.

"I love you too Alex.......The moment I caught you in my arms I knew. I knew when I smelled your scent, and especially when I saw those beautiful eyes." He said smirking which Alex would just call his regular smile at this point.

Everything seemed so perfect in that moment

But all perfect things must come to an end.


Alex and Paul were walking back towards the house when Alex heard it. A howell that sounded like a wolf......a large wolf, coming from only a few miles away. Paul's hand that was holding hers seemed to tighten and his body went stiff. He was looking in the direction of the howl.

Alex had to shake his arm and snap in his face to get him to focus on her. "You okay?" She asked worried by his sudden stressing reactions. "I'm okay ....... I am gonna carry you back to Emily's alright?" He asked making her look nervous. He was acting weird.

"I'm yeah I guess is everything okay?" Alex asked trying to see if the wolf was making Paul scared or something. "Yeah just wanna get somewhere....safer is all." He was lying through his teeth, Alex could tell. She was good at lying so she could usually tell when someone was. "Are you sure that's it?" Alex asked giving him another opportunity to be truthful. But before he even spoke she saw the lie coming making her clench her jaw. "Yeah everything is fine but we should hurry" he rushed as he knelt down for her to jump on his back.

She did with an aggravated huff, and held on tightly as Paul seemed to run as if his life depended on it. He had never run this fast even in gym around her it was almost...... inhuman.

As soon as they saw Emily's house Paul signed and sat her down on the porch making her arch an eyebrow as he seemed to try and walk back into the woods. No explanation he just sat her down and began to leave. "What are you doing?" Alex asked hoping for anything but Paul ignored her and ran into the woods.

Alex scoffed shaking her head, guys were pointless she had told herself after Mason. She didn't feel that with Paul until now, since Alex hated when people were dishonest with her. At least the ones she cared about.

So of course Alex shook head and walked back into the house seeing Justin sitting there alone with Emily. All the boys and even Leah had disappeared just like Paul. "Justin I think I'm ready to head home now, could you drive me back home?" Alex asked sounding normal to Emily but Justin caught the hurt in his sisters voice. "Uh sure, tell Leah I will be back, I'm just gonna fun her home real quick then be back." Justin told Emily as if nothing was wrong.

Emily found it weird Alex wanted to leave all of a sudden when usually it was Harper or Justin dragging her out and away from Paul.


The ride was silent making Justin glance at his sister frequently. She looked out the window with a look like she was somewhere else in her head. "Something happen with Paul?" Justin asked in a protective manner. "He just...... was acting weird I guess and he lied to be before he left...." Alex said making her heart pang at the thought Paul was lying to her. Justin nodded slowly, he got the same thing from the group once they heard a howl in the woods. Even Leah seemed to get jittery as she told him to wait there, he tried to object but she said he would understand in due time.

He told Alex this making her frown

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He told Alex this making her frown. They were all part of this secret they seemed to be keeping. And it hurt Alex to know even Paul was willing to lie for this secret. What could be so bad that he left Alex alone after just admitting they both had feelings for each other and were in love?

Alex felt her secretive side come out as she knew she would enlist the help of her best friend Harper to solve the mystery.

Rebellious Wizard (Alex Russo/ Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now