Chapter 12

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Alex squinted as the pack now sat around the table in Emily's and Sams talking of Jacob and this girl they weirdly referred to as 'leach lover'

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Alex squinted as the pack now sat around the table in Emily's and Sams talking of Jacob and this girl they weirdly referred to as 'leach lover'. She had heard so many things but never had met this girl. From what Paul said she was blind looking, boring personality, and just some stupid girl Jacob was obsessed with.

Bella Swan has been calling Jacob non stop. And everyone in the group always dreaded her call because instantly Jacob would begin his constant talk of her for the rest of the night. Referring if he should even ignore her, or be calling back.

But everyone would immediately begin yelling for him to leave her alone. Not because they cared for the girl more so they just didn't want her around. "So is someone gonna explain who this Bella chick is?" She asked rather anointed that she was left out on hating a person. "She's just a girl with no appeal yet Jakes obsessed with her...... when she will never even date him" Leah said starkly before Justin seemed to say something to her making her glare turn as she looked at him with a dazzling smile.

"Well I'd like to meet her" Alex shrugged before Paul who's lap she was sitting on went tense and began shaking slightly under her. "Over my dead body......besides trust me your not missing a whole lot" he said with a gruff sigh. Munching on his muffin angrily and glaring a hole at Jacob.

"Oh come on she can't be that bad" Alex said which actually made Jake smile ready to say that he'd introduce them right then and there just so he could go see the girl he loved so much. But with one look from Paul Jacob signed in surrender. But he had a plan.


Alex and the entire group of boys decided to skip. Leaving Kim upset she couldn't see Jared until after school. Harper just gave Alex an earful on how she couldn't lose her perfect attendance, and how Alex should focus on her academics. Which of course Alex just laughed in her face. Seth and Max went to school because Sue Clearwater had threatened to ground Seth until his senior year making him gulp and rush into clean school clothes.

Although Alex could not wipe the look of pure joy when she found out Justin was skipping his first day of school. Until she heard it was to be all puppy dog love with Leah making her fake gag repeatedly.

Everyone was there ....except Jacob.

When a motorcycle pulled in all the boys stiffened and began groaning in annoyance. Alex looked confused until Paul muttered leech lover through clenched teeth. Alex began smiling until it hurt as she tried to get off Paul's lap and rush out to meet them. And she would have succeeded if the rest of the boys didn't block the exit like a stampede.

He immediately grabbed her around the waist but sighed as she began pouting wanting to see what the big whoop was about Bella Swan. So when he growled lowly but nodded Alex smiled dragging him out. He still held a chicken wing but he didn't exactly care for manners with anyone except Alex......but she didn't try so he didn't really either.

Rebellious Wizard (Alex Russo/ Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now