Chapter Nine

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Alex p/v

Paul waited with me as we were in the nurses office and was I laying down with an ice pack on my ankle. It was a comfortable silence as we sat until I realized I was missing art class. I quickly sprung up causing Paul who was slumped in his seat to shoot up with me and look around in worry.

I was still in Kim's gyms clothes as I tried to stand up off the bed as a concerned Paul kept sitting me down. "Let me up Paul, it's time for art class!" Alex practically shouted in excitement. Paul laughed at her before gesturing he'd carry her. "Thought your leg hurt to bad to walk on?" He asked with clear amusement but something else as well.

Alex squealed in excitement as she flung herself in his arms. "Well I have to admit even if my leg wasn't hurting I'd rather you carry me!" Alex said seductively while batting her lashes. Paul tensed up with a weird new emotion on his face as Alex began laughing, "just kidding I'm just too lazy to walk myself but ....maybe I also like this for other reasons" She winked causing him to blush and look away.

As Paul carried Alex into the art class Max saw and left a babbling Seth. "OOOOOO MY TURN NEXT!!!" Max jumped up and down being dead serious as Paul and Alex laughed. "Get your own ride around!" Alex said laughing as Paul sat her in the stool next to his.

Today's painting theme was magic, both Alex made a snort noise as Max was about to say something to which Alex slapped a hand on his mouth for him to say, "riiiiiigggghhhtt, my bad almost let the family secret slip." He winked after saying it loudly to which Seth and Paul stared as Alex shook her head glaring at Max. Who was currently giving her a thumbs up. To make it worse he then leaned in and loudly whispered, "Saaaaaaved it!"

"What is he talking about?" Paul asked as he began painting. Alex was quick to be come up with a lie however about their family supposedly were witches in a Salem back in the day. "Oh that's actually cool, our tribe is descendent from wolves as well". He said getting slightly jittery.

Alex state's his was better before her mind seemed to drift to Mason. He was the first boy Alex had ever loved. He broke her heart when he stated his love for Juliet in front of her. But she was so quick to forgive him when the love necklace showed she was the one he truly loved. But it was too late. Juliet had bitten him and a vampire bite turns a werewolf into a wolf.

Mason and Juliet left into the woods leaving two broken hearted Russo's.

Alex continued to paint as she relived these times that she hadn't even noticed what she had painted but it definitely described magic.

Alex's art teacher praised her as she looked at her Alex's work. "You have a real talent you know" she said before looking over at Max's and sighing. "Clearly it doesn't run in your family." Max looked insulted before explaining what every weird finger smudge meant.

Alex felt watched and looked over to Paul, he looked mesmerized. "Your amazing Alex". He said in awe and it seemed like he meant more then just the painting but Alex quickly said, "Oh I know" with a wink and smirk.

"So listen.... would you like to come hangout at Emily's again with us?" Paul asked earning Seth to get excited and invite Max causing Alex to groan but smile at Paul, " I'd love to, just don't let Max embarrass me too much" Alex chuckled but she did worry of Max telling her parents about her and Pauls's....closeness.

The group was talking in the hallway when Justin came up. "Hey Alex can I Uh talk to you for a minute?" He looked uneasy and Alex pretended to be annoyed but was quick to leave Paul's side and go talk to Justin a few feet away. "So uh I know you guys are all hanging out after school and....I don't really have any friends here yet..." Alex felt bad that her older brother was having such a hard time. She pretended she had to think for a moment before grudgingly agreeing.

Rebellious Wizard (Alex Russo/ Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now