Chapter One

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Alex p/v

There's a loud annoying beeping....... I am trying to sleep...... So to stop her alarm clock which was set already 30 minutes behind her families allowing her to sleep in, she threw the alarm clock against the wall. A smile came to Alex face as she spread out and went back to sleeping. Out of no where her door busted open hitting the wall..... You would think this would wake her would be wrong.

Harper couldn't believe what she saw Alex still had not packed and was still asleep. Well Alex still being asleep wasn't the real shocker there. Grabbing the sheet Alex laid on harper pulled it out from under Alex causing her to fall on the wooden floor with a loud bang. Harper afraid she had hurt her friend yell "ALEX!!" And quickly went running to check on her and felt her mouth drop at the scene. Laying on the floor in a ball Alex was still drooling and snoring as if nothing happened. This called for one method only to wake up Alex, "Alex I made bacon for breakfast." Harper said in a normal calm tone.

Harper fell back and landed on her butt as Alex jumped up out of nowhere screaming, "BACONNN!!!!" Jerry came running in and said "did someone say bacon?" He asked excited. "YES! Harper made some". Both Russo's looked at harper intensely as she stood up and sucked her lips in "yeah about that...." Both Russo's smiles immediately fell at her words. "Nooooooo! there's no bacon?" Jerry asked in disappointment before winning out and stomping down the stairs, harper yelled sorry after him but he was too absorbed thinking about bacon.

When she turned back to Alex she was met with a heated glare, harpers eyes got  wide as she began chuckling nervously, when Alex took a threatening step closer she began screaming and ran out of the room in a panic. Once Alex knew she was out of hearing distance she began laughing to herself, she loved it when people got scared, especially if it was because of her. She quickly used magic to finish her room, get dressed, brush her hair, and her teeth. Not using magic would be the hardest for her, although most worry was on Max for saying anything. But everyone knew max was weird and would say random things, they just hoped the new people would quickly catch on to ignore him.

As Alex was about to poof downstairs she couldn't help but look around although she acted excited there was a small part of her that was sad to be moving. She had grown up here, there were so many memories, and emotions in this house that it was hard to say goodbye. Choking back on the tears and trying to remain her usual self she poofed in the kitchen as everyone sat there stuff down with heavy hearts. It wasn't just Alex who was just finding it hard to say goodbye. Max kept hugging random objects and being ripped off them by people. Like the old bookcase, the bar stools, and he went to go hug the orange couch but Alex pushed him and hugged it instead, she mumbled goodbye to it since it was her oldest friend and that an indent from where she would lay in the same spot over the years.

"And you call me pathetic" Justin teased earning a couch cushion to the face. Alex let out a laugh at his face turning red with anger, as he did his catchphrase of seething out, "Alex!" Theresa put an arm around each of them as she told them calmly it was time to leave. She was trying to put on a good face but everyone could see the stress weighing her down, all the packing, and family stuff going on was taking a toll on her. Justin and Alex called a truce or at least a truce until they got to there grandparents then it was on.

People always assumed Alex was cold hearted but that's not the case, she just hated opening up and getting hurt especially after dean left. He was her first love so when he moved Alex was heartbroken, and slowly healed but it was always hard when meeting new guns because she was constantly worried about getting hurt again. She put a brave face on when it came to her family so they always joke of her having no emotion. Which was fine with Alex because she saw it as being strong and independent. Harper saw right through it however and whenever no one was around she was Alex's shoulder to cry on.

Harper knew Alex better than anyone, and Alex knew that and didn't try to be fake when it was just them together. That's why she had to tell Harper she was a Wizard, it wasn't just getting harder to hide but it was also hard to keep secret from her best friend. Alex would do anything to protect her friends and family, and it seemed Harper was the only one who saw this side not her.

As the Russo's drove their car full of boxes and bag that had been shrunk to fit everything the sadness slowly faded as the excitement began to take over. It was a long drive from New York to Forks, Washington but the Russo's managed to do it all in one piece. Even though it was cramped and frustrating it all felt worth it once they pulled into their grandparents drive way. Grandma came out speaking Spanish that only my mother understood before turning to all of us kids. "Ooooohhhh mi familia look how grown you all are!" She stated in excitement grabbing all the Russo's in a big hug she even hugged harper before doing a double take, "who is this?" She asked in confusion and in slight distaste never seeing anyone wear a marker dress.

I got a little defensive on behalf of Harper and introduced her grandma who frequently scolded to be called abuela, but once I said she was like a sister to me abuela immediately hugged Harper again with excitement making Harper ecstatic. And Alex calm down what could she say she got defensive over the people she cared about but managed to hide it pretty well.

Walking Inside Theresa immediately ran to her fathers side and gave him the tightest hug in the world, she managed to hold back the tears as she talked on and on with him before pushing her kids forward to see their grandfather. He gave them each a softer hug than their grandmother did but you could still feel the love. And even though Alex kind of freaked out about old people she hated when they pinched her slightly chubby cheeks, but had put it aside to support her mother........ But if any other cheek pinchers tried her here they would be getting the usual Alex.

Everything seemed perfect until the topic of school came up, "YOU MEAN THERE'S A SCHOOL HERE TOO!" Alex exclaimed in surprise she thought it was just in the area she had come from........ She wasn't the smartest person in the world. Justin looked at her incredulously, Alex had almost forgotten now that the were there, their truce had been called off. The two immediately began bickering causing all the Russo's and Harper to groan in annoyance before Jerry stepped in between them saying "zip!" And as the to looked at their dad saying excuses he said in a high pitched voice, "I SAID ZIIIIIIPPPPP!" causing the two siblings to stop fighting. But it didn't stop them from making faces before going out to the car and enlarging their stuff before bringing it to their rooms.

Everyone had their own rooms since the grandparents had so many kids, cousins, and other family that they made rooms for in case they came to visit. Alex had no nerves for school the next day since she knew she would more then likely ditch classes,or get suspended already. The others were drowning in their worries they were so nervous. What to wear? What to say? All the new faces! Alex showed her lack of worry however by falling asleep.

Rebellious Wizard (Alex Russo/ Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now