5 | Unrequited

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Severus placed a cup of coffee on his table, his ultimate fuel for the day, as he sat on his chair comfortably, ready to start his Sunday with some first years students' papers to grade. It was not the most perfect idea of spending his weekend, but it was something that he did, while waiting for you to come to his office.

Grabbing his quill, an exasperated sigh escaped his throat as he could already see a foolish mistake that his student made. Sometimes he wished he could let some of their mistakes go, but it was not in his ways of teaching to let the students' simple mistakes slip away from his attention, not when the answer was obvious but they still had them wrong.

It went on for almost two hours, and Severus glanced at his now empty cup, realising that time was ticking so fast but you were still not there yet. Usually, at that particular time, you would knock on his door in a familiar rhythm, something that annoyed him at first but he grew accustomed to it by time. But now as he stared at his door, it puzzled him when he was met with silence.

He turned his attention back on the papers, persuading himself that you were caught up with something, and you were always late thus it was not something that he should be concerned of.

His mind directed him to the event of yesterday when he noticed something was wrong with you. He did not get to talk to you, and it seemed like you were not feeling well. Perhaps it was just him, but he thought it was more than that, it was as if you had something to hide from him. He never knew that it would disturb him so much to know that you kept a secret from him, he was sure there was nothing that you did not tell him, but then again, he could be wrong.

He dropped his quill on the table, leaning back against his chair as his head pounded lightly at the thought of you having problems on your own without no one to aid you.

Severus shook his head, wondering why he was thinking about you so much when you were just his student. A student that has become his favourite person in Hogwarts, slowly melting his cold heart, without him even realising it. Or maybe he was not ready to face the reality yet.

He was not in the mood to grade the papers anymore as his frustration to see their mistakes was fuelled with your absence, and he quickly pushed the papers away from his sight before he could crumple them in annoyance.

Frowning, he still tried to figure out why you did not come to his office. You usually would inform him if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with your friends but now he did not hear anything from you. His heart was troubled as he remembered the last time he saw you, you looked tired and dejected, while he did not know your problems.

Severus stood up from his chair, looking around his office like he had been there for the first time, trying to figure out what he should do for the day. He truly did not know as his Sundays were usually spent with you. You would help him to grade the papers, which would be rare because he did not want to burden you with his responsibility, or you would bug him as he brew a potion, your mouth would not stop asking questions, astonishing him with your curiosity while annoying him at the same time with your noisiness. 

But now he found his day quite empty without your imprudent questions to annoy him, and your brilliant ones to amaze him. His eyes landed on your chair, making a small smile appeared on his face. He was not sure if you realise, but the chair was reserved for you as he never let anybody else sat there. It was just something that he did, never dared to think of why he did it because he thought it was just a kind gesture.

The rain outside was attracting him, as he found himself walking closer towards the big window in his office. He used to close the curtains, despising the location of the window but since you always spent your time there, he let you open the curtains even if he was irritated at first. He slowly adapted to the situation as you loved to see when birds perched on his window, chirping happily in the morning or when you would stay there until curfew, watching the moon with him.

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