8 | Too Good To Be True

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It was a beautiful silence, and the serenity was something that beyond words.

There was only you and him.

Smiling and laughing.

It was as if the world was built for the two of you, being with each other like nothing could break you apart.

With every breath you took, he breathed along with you, pledging his whole life to love you and admire you.

The way he smiled, it sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach and heat rose up to your cheeks, your face turned red when he placed his lips on yours, kissing you lovingly.

It felt so real, but as deep within your heart, you knew it was not.

It was too good to be true.

You were jolted awake when a sharp pain ran through your chest, coughing up red rose petals again. You huffed, angry tears welled up in your eyes as you sat up in bed, staring at those murderous petals. A half-hearted chuckle escaped your lips, as you thought that even in your dreams, you were not allowed to be happy with him.

As you were going to wallow yourself in pity, you heard familiar voice that you could recognise anywhere. You grinned when Fred and George came to visit you, they seemed eager to see you too.

They immediately pulled you in for a hug, knowing that you needed it more than ever now that you were stuck in the hospital wing. Since what they heard yesterday about the disease, they could not just sit still and let you die. They were not letting yourself feeling down just because of an unrequited love that was causing you pain.

Madam Pomfrey could only watch from afar as you smiled at their presence. Her heart was aching at the thought of you suffering, all because of your love for a person who did not love you back. It was unfair and cruel, she thought, but she really hoped she could find a solution to heal you. She knew she would find it.

"Don't you have classes?"

"Yes, but we have a free period now."

George said, sitting next to you on your bed while Fred sat on the chair. You knew you could not expect them to accompany you there all the time, as they had other things to do, but you were really grateful that they came to see you.

"Typical Y/N. You're sick and you're still thinking about classes."

Fred teased you, a smirk was dancing on his lips. You rolled your eyes playfully at him, but failing to hide your smile. But a thought crossed your mind, and your smile dropped. It did not go unnoticed by the twins who were concerned to see a frown on your face.

"Y/N, what's wrong?"

You looked at them and shook your head, smiling sadly at your best friends as the thought stayed on your mind, consuming you when you started to think it was true.

"What if... What if I could never get to go to classes again?"

You asked, curling your hands in fists as anxiety started to wash over you, tears flooded in your eyes when your friends were quiet. Fred had no jokes to tell and George was unable to think of anything to say, they were not sure what to tell you at the moment.

"What if I could never see you play quidditch again?"

You added, a tear rolled down upon your face, and they were beginning to worry.

"What if I could never graduate from here with both of you like we always said we would?" 

You were crying now, the thought of you not being able to do a lot of things was clouding your mind, dragging you into a pit of devastation that was so strange and petrifying to you. George squeezed your shoulders softly, trying to get you back to the reality as tears streamed down your face freely.  

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