10 | Bleeding Love

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"Y/N, who is he? Tell me."

His voice was stern and cold, but there was a silhouette of fear and dejection behind it, something that did not go unnoticeable after knowing him for so long. You had to agree with Dumbledore's words, that perhaps you knew Severus more than he knew himself. Keeping your gaze on your lap, you shook your head weakly, hoping that the professor would understand.

"This is not the time for you to keep secrets from me, Miss L/N. Your life is at stake because of him."

Anger was starting to resurface in his chest, and he knew he was losing it when he heard what Madam Pomfrey has told him. He could not fathom the things he learned about you from your best friends, how much you were suffering because of a foolish love for a person who did not return your feelings, but as he saw you in the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey confirmed it— Severus was furious.

How could someone be punished for their love?

"Please don't put the blame on him. It's my fault for falling in love with him when I know very well that he had his love."

You sound so devastated and defeated, and Severus almost winced at the sight of the tears in your eyes. It was so ironic for him to blame the person you loved, when it was him that you were in love with.

"If you don't want to blame him, then you shouldn't blame yourself too."

He sighed, sitting on a chair next to your bed. He knew there was no point of being angry over something that you could not control. And he realised you needed his support at the time, not his blind anger and poor judgement of the person that you loved.

"If you tell me, perhaps I could help you to tell him about your feelings."

He spoke softly, surprising George and Fred there with how gentle Professor Snape was with you. They tried their best not to listen to your conversation, but they could not. They were so tempted to tell the professor the truth of your heart, but they held on to their promise, not wanting to betray you. Realising that it was better if it was just you and Snape, they decided to leave the hospital wing and retreated to their dormitories.

"It's useless. He will never love me back."

You chuckled half-heartedly, fiddling with your fingers. Severus breathed sharply, thinking of what he should do. His mind wanted to break into yours, so that he could tell easily who it was that caused you to be tormented, but his heart stopped him from doing so, reminding him that he once promised himself he would never use Legilimency against you. He would never use it on you, not without your consent.

"I trust you, Y/N. But you don't want to take the potion either. You can't do this to yourself."

He was flabbergasted when Madam Pomfrey told him about your hesitation to drink the cure, and Severus hoped you could see how vital it was for you to be healed. The professor's heart was ripped out of his chest to see a frown on your face, instead of a smile that you always gave to him. He had not seen you for days, and when he did now, you were nothing like yourself.

He realised you were giving up to your fate, but he was not going to let you slip away.

"I'm fine, Professor."

It came out as a whisper, but loud enough for him to hear you, and Severus knew better that you were not fine at all. He cursed himself for being ignorant before this, or else he would have noticed the signs earlier and perhaps the potion can be found earlier than now. A tear rolled down upon your face as you looked at him, but you were quick to wipe it away, not wanting him to see you as weak.

"If I can't be the person who is loved, then I'll be the person who loved."

You said, smiling sadly at the man who owned your heart and soul, and you still loved him even when you knew you were going to die because of him.

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