14 | One Step Closer

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the final chapter.

You were sitting in bed, feet dangling from the bed and arms around yourself, facing the big window with a smile on your face. You watched as the sun rise, replacing the beauty of the moon with glimmering sunlight, splattering majestic colours across the morning skies, feeling comforted, despite the growing sorrow in your chest.

There was so much more to be discovered in life, and to think that you almost wanted to sacrifice your life for love was making you shudder, and you would never dare to repeat the same mistake again, not after your dreadful conversation with Severus last night.

Your smile widen upon seeing your snowy owl landed on the table next to your bed, staring at you with his big eyes, as if understanding the pain that you were going through. You wanted to pretend like you were not wrecked to take the potion, but your soul was wretched, knowing that in another few minutes, your love for Severus would leave your heart, and never to come back again, wilted along with the poisonous petals.

"He wants me to forget him."

You started, talking to your owl, hoping that he could understand how torn you were to drink the potion, but then again, Severus asked you to, and you did not want to disappoint him and hurt yourself even further.

"Perhaps it's better not to love him."

You added, persuading yourself as tears flooded your eyes. When he walked away last night, your heart was shattered, feeling so alone and isolated, and you knew you had to drink the potion to heal your broken heart. If he could not save you, then you had to save yourself, not giving up your life to the cruel disease.

"At least he knows that I love him."

Severus had to know that he was loved, and you hoped he could see it after what you told him last night. Your love for him was true, and even if you could turn back time, you never wanted to change anything, loving every second in your life that you had, loving him with all of your heart.

"Not everyone deserves a happy ending."

A tear rolled down upon your face, but you quickly wiped it away once you noticed Madam Pomfrey walked over to you, smiling sadly as she must have heard your devastating words. She patted your back softly, trying to give you comfort that you needed.

"Maybe you are destined to have a happy ending with someone else, Y/N."

Madam Pomfrey said, and you nodded weakly, swallowing her words that sent hope fluttering in your chest, burying the petals as your sadness was slowly vanishing. You were no longer a person who was defeated and heartbroken, you wanted to live, and you would live happily without thinking about your unrequited love once you drink the potion.

"The potion is ready, Y/N."

As soon as those words rolled out of Madam Pomfrey's tongue, your heart raced, thumping rapidly against your chest. Doubts were swimming in your mind, but you knew this was bound to happen, as your love was too strong for him, and you were not the one he wanted to love. If he could not save you, then the potion would, and you nodded at the older witch as she went to take the potion.

You loved Severus, with all of your heart, but now it was time for you to let him go, and you were ready to do so.

Smiling softly, you shut your eyes and tried to remember all your good memories with him, for the last time, before all would be sweep away from your head, leaving an invisible hole in your life, forgetting your first love, your true love, the greatest love of all.

Perhaps in another life, he would find it in your heart to love you, and you would always be waiting for him.

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