Chapter. 14

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Alex's p.o.v:

Jack has always been one to sleep through his alarms, I on the other hand am not, so you can imagine my surprise when I woke up two hours late for my first class of the day.

My eyes widen as I register the time on my alarm clock. I erratically pull my blanket back and jump out of bed, cursing as I hastily slam open my drawers looking for my uniform. It feels like the universe is playing tricks on me because it was not in the drawer that it's always in.

I specifically keep it in the top drawer of my dresser because it's the outfit I wear the most so it's just more convenient to have it at the top, but today I find it in the second drawer. I didn't have time to dwell on the fact that I'm becoming more unorganized because I am very late for class, so I begin to slip into my school clothes.

"Woah, Alex relax." Jack exclaims with a chuckle from behind me.

I ignore him. I promptly strip out of my pajamas, and pull on my trousers. Maybe I should have listen to Jack because I was moving so quickly that when I pulled on my pants I somehow tripped and landed backwards into said boys arms.

I look up at him, all words escaping me as I just let him hold onto me.

He looks down at my shirtless torso and his eyes linger for a moment before he looks away, helping me stand by myself with an awkward clear of his throat.

"Um... We should probably talk about earlier this morning." He adds, his tone suddenly becoming less playful.

"Uh, yeah definitely." I agree awkwardly.

He opens his mouth but quickly closes it, licking his lips nervously. He puts a fist to forehead his eyes scrunching up as he finds a way to say whatever it is he wants to say. "I'm not gay." Jack finally gets out after a long moment.

"Okay... So are you bi or pan-"

"No, I mean I don't like men!" He exclaims rather quickly.

My eyebrows knit together in confusion as I scan his face for any kind of indication that he was fucking with me. If he is he's doing a good job of hiding it.

"This morning was just a accident that happened because of lack of sleep, that's all."

"Accident?" I scoff. "You didn't accidentally make out me and you most definitely did not accidentally unbuckle my belt."

"Look. I'm straight, it was just built up sexual frustration that I happened to take out on the person nearest to me. It was a one time thing, it will never happen again so let's just drop it, pretend it never happened."

"Fine by me" I raise my hands in surrender, moving to put my shirt on.

As I put on my tie I feel a small amount of sadness in my chest, I feel... Used? I think that's how I feel? I don't know, the thought of Jack basically saying he only kissed me back because he was horny makes me feel kind of shitty.

Why should I care though? I don't even know why I kissed him in the first place, so why should I care if it was a mistake or not?

I mean, I don't like Jack like that. It probably was lack of sleep and Jack being so nice to me that made me want to do it. We were talking about my brother and he was being so caring and it was a moment of weakness, it was just the heat of the moment.

Jack clears his throat from his side of the room with a quizzical look on his face, almost as if he's deciding to say something or not. I don't know what I expected him to say, but it was definitely not what he said next.

"Are you gay? He asks randomly.

I look at him briefly before I go back to tying my tie. "So much for dropping it?"

"Well I just want to know if I need to start changing in the bathroom again or not." He shrugs casually.

"I don't see how the two are related."

"Well if you are gay I don't want you staring at me while I change."

I scoff loudly turning my full body to look at him in shock and amusement "Don't flatter yourself, even if I was gay I wouldn't be interested in you."

"If you're not gay then why did you kiss me?"

"If you're not gay then why did you almost suck my dick?" I bite back.

Jack's taken aback by my response and a tense silence lingers between us. I feel like I should say something to break the tension, but I don't, instead I finish getting dressed in this tense silence and grab my textbook for the day while Jack sits on his bed glancing at me every so often.

Finally I speak up again "are you coming to class with me?"

"No, I'm gonna skip today." He tells me, his voice low.

I nod meekly before heading out the door and letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I thought me and Jack were growing closer, I shouldn't have to hold my breath around him anymore, physically or hypothetically. And for the love of god I should not have kissed him.


Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in a while, I have been recovering surgery the past few weeks, but I am feeling better now so hopefully I will update you all soon :)

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