Chapter. 8

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Jack's p.o.v:

When I woke up Alex was already up doing his hair in the mirror, fully dressed in his uniform as per usual.

I look at the clock and notice that I'm awake earlier then I'm used to, but oddly enough I don't feel that tired. I slept pretty well last night considering me and Alex were crammed in a bed made for one person.

"Oh, you're awake?" The boy in question smiles at me, exiting the bathroom.

"Yeah, weird isn't it?" I lightly chuckle. "Did you sleep okay?"

"I didn't have anymore nightmares if that's what you're asking? I'm sorry for asking such a strange request, I know sleeping in the same bed isn't something roommates typically do."

"It's like it never happened" I insist, getting up and passing him as I make my way to my own bed. To my surprise it's already made, my uniform neatly folded and stacked on top of the blanket.

"I uh... I cleaned your side of the room." He mumbles out shyly from behind me.


"Well, I figured you did something nice for me, so I should do something nice for you." He shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh, thanks" I smile a little.

He responds with a sheepish close mouth smile, brushing past me to pick up his books resting on the desk at the end of his bed.

I move to pick up my uniform and get changed in the bathroom, but I stop quite abruptly when I notice something. "Alex?"

"Hmm?" He spins around, looking at me with raised eyebrows and big round eyes, almost like a puppy dog.

"Did you undo my tie?"

"Uh... Yeah? Was that wrong of me?" He asks softly, his lips parted just the slightest bit as he waits for my response.

"Well, it's just that I still don't really know how to tie it. The only reason it's been tied for so long is because I've just been tightening and untighting it to take it on and off ever since you tied it on my second day here."

"You never untie it when you wash it?"

"No, I didn't want to have to ask you to retie it for me, considering you hated me at the time and probably would have strangled me with my tie if I had actually asked you."

He laughs at my comment, taking a step closer to me. "Considering I no longer want to strangle you- at least not at the moment, why dont you go get dressed and I'll tie it when you're done?" He suggests.

"That would be great." I smile a little.

He turns back to his desk as I pick up my clothes and enter the bathroom. I don't know why I change in the bathroom, when I hung out with Zack and Rain we all used to just change in front of each other like bros do, but Alex has always gotten changed in the bathroom since I've met him, so I just followed his example.

The one time I did kinda get changed in front of him, I took my shirt off and he just stared at me, so I don't know if it's a British thing or and Alex thing, but he doesn't like changing in front of people and he doesn't like people changing in front of him.

Putting on my clothes I relax a little at the thought of not having to rush to put on my uniform for once. I think this is the first time I haven't fallen or almost fallen over trying to put on my pants in a hurry. Slipping my hands into the pockets of my tanned slacks I smile a little noting that Alex not only folded my uniform but he also took all my trash out of my pockets.

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