Chapter. 6

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Alex's p.o.v:

"Wake up, sleeping beauty" I exclaim, slapping Jack on the forehead playfully. "I don't understand how you can sleep through my alarm clock, it's not quiet."

"It's a gift." He mumbles in response, his eyes still closed.

"If you don't get up soon I will literally pull you out of bed myself."

He laughs, opening his eyes to look up at me. "I'd like to see you try, string bean"

I let out an amused gasps at his words. "I have more meat on my bones then you do, you walking Halloween decoration."

"Your insults are getting better."

"It's easier to think of them when you're not yelling at someone in the heat of the moment."

"That's fair." With a deep sigh, he slowly gets up. He curls his toes and fingers as he stretches. As he reaches his arms up, I notice his ribs stick out a little, and the trail of hairs going from his belly button down to his- why the fuck am I still looking at him.

I turn away, picking my bag up from where it was leaning against the leg of my desk. "I'm going to check my locker, headmaster told me I got a letter."

"Okay, I'll meet you there once I'm done getting changed." He calls out from the bathroom.

You know, Jack is actually pretty easy to live with when he isn't being a dick. Who would have thought? To be fair he's not all to blame, I haven't been the best roommate either. I think this truce is a great thing for us. This might be the first good day I've had in a while.

Humming a song to myself I stroll down the hallway and stop in front of my locker. The letter is already sticking out so without opening my locker, I carefully pull it out, turning it over to see who it's from.

From: Isobel Gaskarth, it reads.

My collar suddenly becomes a lot tighter, along with my chest. She never answers when I call, so I had sent her a letter a while ago asking if her and dad could come down for a visit next week. I haven't seen the two of them since- well, I don't really want to think about that.

Taking a deep breath, I hesitantly open the letter with clammy hands. Why am I so nervous about this? It's just a letter from my mom. My mom that I haven't seen in over two months.

Dear, Alexander
I'm sorry to inform you that me and your father will not be coming down to see you anytime soon, we are simply too busy here at the house.
~Xoxo mother.

My heart sinks as I read the words elegantly hand writing on the paper. God, she sounds so formal, like she's declining a invitation to a wedding or something. I'm her son for god sakes, you think she could be a bit more personal with her messages, or maybe answer her damn voice mails.

"Who is that a letter from? Your lady love?" Jack asks from beside me with a wiggle of his eyebrows,

"Oh god, no" I shutter in disgust. "It's from my mom."

"Oh" He responds sounding almost relieved. "What'd she say?"

"Nothing important"

I crumble up the letter, throwing it in a near by garbage can, along with the envelope it came in. This is the third time she's said they're too busy, which we both know is just code for "we don't want to see you"

"Are you ready for class?" I ask, turning back to the taller boy.

"Yup, and ready to fail the test for the day."

"I keep telling you to study. You know if you need help, I could tutor you. I know you don't exactly like getting help from people, but would you rather fail and have headmaster yell at you for hours?"

He sways his head back and forth like he's deciphering whether or not he should actually accept my offer, but after a few seconds he reluctantly agrees. "I guess, but can I ask you a question?"


"How old were you when you had fun for the last time?" He asks, a smug smile tugging at his lips.

"You know what, I think I was seven."

"Seems like it."

"You're an asshole" I tell him, but not in the I want to strangle you kind of way, I meant it jokingly this time.

"An asshole who's going to beat you to class" with that he takes off running down the hallway, and towards the first class of the day.

"You're not supposed to run in the halls!" I shout after him.

My god, I sound just like headmaster. I really am no fun, aren't I?


As lunch break rolls around I make my way to my room. I wish there was a cafeteria like most schools, but I guess the academy doesn't count as most schools. They just have a counter in front of the kitchen where you basically order what you want, and then you take it back to your room to eat at your desk, or on your bed if you're Jack.

I see Dom with his food walking in front of me and I decide to call after him. He turns around and looks at me with a nervous smile.

"Are you going to yell at me about what happened a few nights ago?" He asks with a grimace.

"No I, um... I wanted to apologize actually"


"Yeah. I know I can be a quite strict, especially after-" I pause and take a deep breath. "Im just sorry, there was no reason for me to act like that, I'm trying to be less of a downer."

"Well, you're doing pretty good so far" A tenuous smile growing on his face.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me and Jack today?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

I start to make my way towards my room, but I stop when I notice that Dom doesn't follow.

"Does Jack know about-"

"No" I interject, already knowing what he's going to ask.

"Are you going to tell him?" He asks, his voice suddenly growing serious.

"Sighing, I turn back to him. "I don't know, but if he finds out I want it to be because I told him."

"I understand, I won't say anything."

"Thank you, now let's eat!" I chuckle, lighting the mood.

The brunette nods in agreement, patting me on the back and slinging his arm around my shoulder as we walk down the hallway together. I let out a laugh, a giant smile fighting it's way in my face.

I've missed having someone to laugh with.



Sorry this is just a filler chapter, but I plan on posting another chapter soon :)

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