Chapter. 15

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Alex's p.o.v:

I didn't see Jack in any of our class, not that I expected him to be there, but he was in headmasters office at the end of the day ignoring me like I was ignoring him yesterday. It pissed me off but I didn't want him to know that so I acted like everything was fine and that I didn't care about his little hissy fit.

"Boys" Headmasters begins, his voice stern as always. "Since barely any work got done yesterday I will be switching the partners this time and again tomorrow if you still fail to complete the task I have given you."

"Yes sir." The three of us mumble in unison.

Dom's roommate Oliver was standing in the corner reading and looking bored as hell and I feel bad that he has to be here with us seeing as how he did nothing wrong, but everyone needs a partner so he's here to even it out I guess.

Before Jack showed up I never questioned the system a single time, but now I find myself noticing all the different flaws our school and authority have.

I also always follow the rules but again, I find myself realizing how dumb most of them are. Maybe Jack and Dom are right to question authority because most of the school rules are ridiculous.

"Since I do not trust Jack and Dominic to be together, Jack will be partnered up with Oliver today, As well as Dominic and Alex, now grab your gear and get out of my office." He sneer's.

I'm a bit relieved I'm not paired with Jack this time, I can't take anymore awkward interactions with that boy.

I grab the supplies and turn to Dom with an uneasy smile, he returns a genuine smile before turning around and leaving the office. I follow him down the hall to a nearby class room.

I put my smock on so I don't get my clothes dirty and while the other boy is doing the same he speaks up.

"So I'm assuming what ever fight you two were having yesterday is still going on? I mean talk about tension." He chuckles a toothy grin on his face.

I let out a sigh as I crouch down to start scraping gum "Well we did actually... until we got into another fight, if you could call it that."

"About what?"

I look up not realizing that saying that would mean I would have to explain what in fact happened. I swear I used to be smarter before I met Jack, is losing brain cells contagious?

"Oh, nothing important." I insist very un-convincingly.

"Well-" He sloppily picks up his bucket and scraper "I'm not going to force you to tell me, but we're going to be here for a while and it might pass the time to talk about it."

Me and Dom have grew closer after he became friends with Jack, but we don't hang out unless he's there, so sharing with Dom whom I barely hang out with and has the biggest mouth in school, literally and metaphorically makes no logical sense, but clearly I must be getting stupider because I find myself begin to speak about it anyway.

"Say I have this friend." I start, staring at the desk I'm working on so I don't have to look at Dom when I say this.

"Uh huh." He responds, knowing damn well him and Jack are my only friends and that the person I'm talking about is clearly me.

"He has this roommate, and this roommate woke him up really early in the morning very recently to take him outside of school and talk to him. Let's say these two roommates are talking about something very important to my friend and my friend decides to... kiss him, and they decide to go back to their room, and my friends roommate decides to start undoing my friends belt." I begin to ramble on, the words falling out of my mouth so fast I can't tell if Dom can understand what I'm saying or not.

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