Chapter. 23

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Alex's p.o.v:

I wake up with my arms wrapped around Jack, his skin covered in love bites. A deep sated feeling flows through my body as I enjoy his warmth for a few more seconds.

I sigh before carefully pulling away. I grab a pair of boxers off the floor that look like mine and start to quietly tiptoe over to my dresser to get changed.


I freeze before letting out a simple "yeah?" In response. I brush a few unruly strands of hair out of my face as I sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Why are you getting up? it's Saturday we don't have any classes." He mumbles into the pillow, his eyes still heavy with sleep.

"I was just worried that when you woke up you might have changed your mind, so I was going to go down to the student lounge to leave you alone."

"What?" He mumbles out, rubbing at his eyes. "Come here." He pulls the blanket back and moves over a bit so he can spoon me this time.

I hesitantly get back under the covers, immediately being greeted by Jack slinging an arm over my side and placing a small kiss to the back of my neck.

"I meant what I said last night and I'm not changing my mind, so why don't we go back to sleep for a bit?"

I still felt a bit unsure of things, but it still was pretty earlier on the morning, and his arms feel so cozy.

And yeah, maybe I drifted off...


"Alex, Hey. Alex, wake up." A voice sounds from above me, a little louder then a whisper.

I slowly blink my eyes open, Jack is revealed into my view as they finally focus after a few seconds.

I let out a small hum to let him now I'm awake, rubbing my eyes as I groggily sit up.

"I have a day planned for us." The American says happily as he crosses the room to get to his side.

"What are we doing?"

He turns to face me, a wide smile spreading on his face. "I thought we could go on a date."


"Yeah, why not? It's the weekend." He shrugs.

"I just didn't think you would want to move so quickly?"

"Move quickly? Alex we literally slept together for the first time last night."

"Well yeah, but I just didn't expect you to go all in with the romantic aspect of it right away."

"Well, you're going to be pleasantly surprised." He walks over to me and places a quick kiss to my lips, a pleased smile on his face. "Now get dressed so we can go."

I try to hide the blush on my face as I get out of bed and start rummaging around my dresser for some clothes.

"I just need a hoodie and then we can go." I tell Jack, pulling on my shirt.

"Here." He throws a balled up hoodie at me.

I go to put it on before I stop and slowly turn to Jack with a bit of confusion. "This isn't my hoodie."

"I know, I was thinking maybe you could wear one of mine."

"Oh." I respond, a wide smile uncontrollably finding it's way onto my face.

It's just a simple black hoodie with a band cover I don't recognize on it, but it still felt great to wear, not only because it was comfy but because Jack wanted me to wear it.

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