Chapter. 5

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Jack's p.o.v:

I woke up expecting to see Alex already up and about, fixing his hair in front of the bathroom mirror, the door wide open as he slides his hands through his light brown hair, trying his best to tame it. Instead all I woke up to was a silent room.

The bathroom was completely empty, the light turned off. Alex's bed looked untouched, and not even the usual untouched way that it looks, when he remakes it right after waking up, it looked exactly as it did when he left last night, hand prints marked on the blanket from trying to flatten out the wrinkles Dom had caused.

Sighing, I sloppily rub at my eyes as I get up and stretch my limbs. I look around the room, my gaze lands on Alex's alarm clock that he keeps on the nightstand by his bed. Panic sets  in as I realize I'm ten minutes late for class.

"Alex why didn't you-" I start to scold him but I trail off as I realize I'm alone. "Oh, right" I mumble to myself.

Scrambling around the room for my uniform, I almost trip over my own feet as I pull on my tan khakis.

I hastily tuck in my shirt as I make my way to my first class, my blazer hanging over only one of my shoulders as I scurry down the hallway. I'm sure I look like a mess, but I couldn't care less right now.

Mr. Froid stops what he's writing on the board as I enter the class room, staring at me with disapproval. "Late for my class again, Mr. Barakat?" He asks in that snide tone of his.

"I overslept, sir" I respond, tugging the rest of my blazer on.

"This is twice you've been late for my class now. Please, take your seat." He turns his attention back to the chalk board as I meekly make my way to my chair.

As I sit down I catch a sight of Alex. His appearance is drastic from what it usually is. His perfect posture replaced with a tired, almost sloppy bent over position. His hair was askew, random pieces sticking up, and he looks absolutely exhausted.

He glances at me, noticing me observing him. His red, swollen eyes meet mine, but just for a second before he's back to staring at his paper, his hair hanging in front of his face. He makes no attempt to move it, hiding behind it like a curtain.

A pang of worry shoots through my chest as I realize he had been crying. Is it because of me? Is it because of what I said to him last night? Why do I care? Why do I feel like guilty?

I quickly look away, pushing my thoughts down as I try to focus on the board ahead of me. I should have been paying much more attention because I swear the board had barely any writing before, and now it's completely full.

Fuck. I don't know what's going on.


"Mr. Barakat, a word?" The headmaster speaks over the teacher.

I feel all the students eyes immediately turn to me, but I ignore them as I nod and get up. I take my bag with me since it's the last class of the day and there's only a few minutes left anyway.

He closes the classroom door behind me, giving me a disapproving look.

I've been waiting to get in trouble for what happened between me and Alex, but I expected it to come a lot sooner.

"I assume you know why you're in trouble?"

Sighing I hang my head "yeah."

"This is the second time this has happened. Once more and I'll have no choice but to give you laundry duty, and trust me, it is not a fun chore."

"What are you talking about, this is the first time something like this has happened." I mean sure, me and Alex bicker a lot, but nothing as big as what happened last night.

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