Suck toes.

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I'm making her die first just because she's always trying to live up to/be like deku like miss gurl be yourself, no need to revolve around midoriya 😃


That bitch round face has been hanging out around deku more then usual, yeah sure I ignore it but it's getting out of hand.

I've been studying dekus handwriting for cases like these, knowing her she'll not even question the letter and would just go find him, I slip the letter under the door of her room(in the dorms) that contained the words "hey Uraraka!I wanted to tell you something, can you meet me at the roof of the dorms when everyone's asleep?" I thought about how this would play out for a while and went back with everyone in the living room.

"Hey everyone! I'm back" she said a few minutes later

Everyone welcomed pink cheeks back except me, she ran over to deku and hugged him from behind, they both laughed but I wasn't having it, I wanted this bitch gone.

Eventually she ended up going to her room. I'm guessing she found the letter because she was smiling brightly and running to the elevator, probably going to the roof, I told everyone I was headed towards my room when I'm reality I was getting my supplies to do something I should've done long ago.

Everyone headed to their rooms which left me to put on gloves and grab the syringe filled with sleeping drugs, I headed to the roof, I saw her standing there facing away from me, I headed behind her and stuck the syringe in her skin almost making her scream, I quickly covered her mouth with my hands to silence her, her terrified and tearful eyes taking a glance at me while she clutched down on hand trying to get away, eventually she collapsed in my arms, I picked her up and walked off with her.

Miss gurls POV 🤨💅-

"Where am I?" I thought to myself, my eyes opened wide realizing what happened before with Katsuki, I was in a dark room stuck on a chair, my arm legs and chest were tightly wrapped in rope on the chair, my mouth was covered in tape, a table with all sorts of weapons a few feet away from me, I was frighted, I looked at my hands that were covered with metal gloves, probably to stop me from activating my quirk, I tried to scream out for help, for somebody. Anybody, to find me.

"Oh, so you're finally awake?"

I looked to where the voice was and saw katsukis glowing crimson red eyes, he was smirking at me and slowly walked foward, going in front of me and holding my chin, I pulled my head away from him which seemed to piss him off, he slapped me and called me a brat, then proceeded to go towards the table of weapons, he grabbed a kitchen knife, but why? He had multiple other weapons..

He went infront of me, he put the knife towards my face and gave me a devilish smile,

"You knifes aren't used for killing most of the time especially these ones, they aren't sharp so it's hard to harm yourself with it.."

I was confused and scared, why was this psycho telling me this? He suddenly lifted his hand, his eyes suddenly widened and he smiled greatly before slamming the knife into my thigh, the pain was excruciating, he laughed as I put my head back trying to scream out, he pulled the knife out and repeatedly stabbed the same spot with it until it was completely inside, my blood gushing out.. he pulled the table towards me, He faced the table again then he grabbed a long sharp knife, it wasn't like the other one. Tears were already in my eyes when he smiled at me, knife in hand. He put his hand on my shoulder and thrusted the knife in my stomach I was trying to scream as loud as I could, he let go of the knife and took the tape off my mouth, he chuckled seeing me in pain like the devil he is, I was crying from the pain and looked at him

"W-why are you doing this...?!"

He took the knife out of me and simply told me, with the coldest voice...

"Because you like the person I want the most." He looked at me coldly and grabbed my hair, he harshly pulled it making me throw my head back and scream, he stabbed my head in a matter of seconds.. my blood spilling all over my face as it drops on the floor... you could hear each drop... I stopped crying before the world around me just went...dark...

And then there was nothing....

(If you know me irl and read this I'll kill you😃)

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