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(Question. Do you guys want smut in this story?)

Previously: He opened the door completely and we both walked outside and just stood frozen in shock at what was infront of us...

"But... how...?" Todoroki looked down and trembled

What was in-front of us was nothing... just grass and a road, no buildings or people to help us...

But before I could talk to todoroki we heard something fire from behind us, we looked at where the noise came from before todoroki fell back, I froze in fear just staring at him lay on the floor, he was bleeding out with the hole in his head just twitching until he finally stopped moving

I felt my breathing get heavy and I fell on my knees to the floor grasping todorokis shirt

I screamed out todorokis name as I cried

"So you found out the truth. Y'know this all could've been avoided if you stayed put. Half and half would've been alive but you had to play hero and try to escape."

He walked towards me and sat down, he held my chin up to look at him my eyes were filled with tears

I pushed him back

"Leave me alone you psychopath! You killed him!"

"Me? You should blame this on yourself, if you didn't try to escape he would be alive right now."

"Don't blame this on me, I hate you! You killed todoroki! You shot him! I hate you I hate you I hate you!"

He grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me back downstairs, he put me on the chair and chained me tightly making it hard to breathe.

"So you hate me huh?"

"You're a psychopath I hope you die a slow and painful death!"

"Oh really?" He covered my mouth with tape and grabbed a sharp knife out of his pocket

I struggled and tried to scream

"You remember what we talked about while I was taking you a shower?"

"My arms work just fine."

He glared at me

"Don't give me any ideas."

I felt myself shiver at the memory

He glided his knife on my skin and put more pressure, I tried pulling my arm away and looked away

He stabbed me on my left arm and stared at me while I cried in pain

After what felt like hours of him tormenting me he put the knife away,

"Did you learn what you've done."

"Y-you're th- e one who kil....killed todoroki"

He grabbed the knife again and stabbed me on my hand, I screamed out as he took it out

"Have. You. Learned."

I nodded sheepishly as he took the chains off and got some supplies to help me, I was out of breath and just tired in general so I didn't protest against him

He picked me up bridal style and walked towards his room, he laid me down on the bed on top of him and turned on the tv but I didn't have the energy to argue or say anything back, I was just breathing heavily from the pain whist he held onto me tightly.

"You forgive me right?" He whispered and held my chin up

I didn't have any energy to deal with him so I just groaned and muttered "no"

He held my arms and digged his nails into my cuts

"You forgive me. Right."

I nodded quickly and he released his grip, I felt his strong arms surround me but I didn't feel safe in them, I didn't feel safe near him in general.

I felt myself lose consciousness because of the pain and blood loss but I was trying to keep myself awake, I wanted him to answer my question.

"Todoroki... h-how is... he...?" Was all I could say out

I heard him chuckle

"Oh sweet deku, he's dead. And it's all your fault." He whispered in my ear and put a hand on my head, pushing me down into his chest further

"Now go to sleep will you?" He kissed my forehead and I finally went completely limp and passed out.

The next morning I woke up alone on Kacchan bed

Where is he? I tried getting up but I was just in pure pain, I tried the best I could to get out of bed but I just ended up falling off and crashing on the ground, I heard the door open and saw Kacchan looking down at me

He held me up and laid me back on the bed

"Everything hurts, I want todoroki."

"He's dead remember."

"I want todoroki, he would've been here if you hadn't shot him."

"To bad then." He picked me up and we went to the bathroom, he sat me down and brushed my teeth

"Do you want to take a shower now or later?"


He picked me up again and we headed back to the kitchen where he sat me down and put a plate of food in front of me, I glared at him with hatred

"Oh yeah I forgot you can't use your arms now" he bursted out laughing and sat infront of me, he grabbed the plate and started spoon feeding me. When I was finished he put the plate in the sink and stared at me

"Want to know how I disposed of his body?" He smirked

I glared at him

"N-no I'm fine..."

"Yeah but it'll be my pleasure to show you my perfection Y'know... it's not like you can fight back either." He chuckled and proceeded to walk up to me, I shivered and looked down

"What do you have to say about that?"


He held me by my arm making me yelp in pain and dragged me upstairs he dropped me on the floor and pointed to something covered in tarp, I used my arms the best I could to lift myself up and sit down properly as Kacchan uncovered what was underneath it

My eyes opened widely in shock looking at the scene before me

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