Im so brocen 💔🥀🖤⛓🔪🔪🖤💔🥀🪓😭😭🥀💔🖤💀💀🔪🔪🥀💀👋

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Izuku's POV 🤙

I rubbed my eyes and tried to touch Kacchan but he wasn't there,

"K-Kacchan? Kacchan are you here?"

There was silence in the room, izuku got up and looked around to find him but he wasn't there

He opened the door and walked outside

"What- what's going...on?"

There was blood splattered on the doors, walls, floor and roof... that atmosphere was dark

The one thing I saw that scared me completely was

The dismembered body's of everyone in our class

And then there was Kacchan... he was standing in the middle of it all, he held a long and sharp knife... blood was splattered on him and his clothes...


Kacchan turned around and faced me, his eyes were terrifying and he was smiling brightly he took a step forward to me, I stepped back and looked at him with a terrified expression

"Oh deku... the surprise wasn't finished yet..."

"What surprise?! What is this?! This is a prank right?"

"No. Where do you think I'd find dismembered body parts of everyone?" Katsuki laughed

"Why'd you kill everyone?!"

"For you."

"I didn't want this Kacchan!"

"Oh of course you wanted this my love"

"N-no I didn't! These are our friends Kacchan!"

"Correction. These aren't our friends, they don't care about you but I do..."

Kacchan walked over to me, I flinched and walked back in fear

"No, they did care about me"

"Really? How would they treat you if you were quirkless? Do you seriously think they would still treat you the same as they did when you got a quirk?" Kacchan smirked

"They...they would...!"

"Oh really? Do you seriously believe that? Or is that something you'd like to believe..."

"It's...! They would...!"

I bumped into the wall behind me and Kacchan walked right infront of me, he pinned me with his arms and whispered into my ear

"I'm the only one who truly loves you darling~"

I felt a sharp pain in my neck


I felt myself getting heavier and heavier by the second


I fell to the ground on my knees and felt so weak he sat down infront of me and kissed my cheek

"The only true one."  He told me before I finally passed out

B o o b s .

I opened my eyes slightly and looked around to where I was

"A dark room?"

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