Why are you still reading this bad story 😃🤙

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My own story gives me Killing Stalking vibes.

I had a strange dream... we escaped but someone was basically waiting for us when we opened the window and went upstairs...

Before we noticed them we looked at each other and smiled until someone shot todoroki, he fell back and collapsed on the ground his own blood puddling below him.

I screamed out before I woke up in fear, Kacchan bursted through the door in a matter of seconds after I woke up

"What happened?"

"Mm... nightmare"

"What happened in it?" He walked towards me and sat on the bed

"None of your business."

"You're mine, anything that has to deal with you will be my business."

"I don't care, I hate you for what you've done you psychopath."

"Being so rude this early in the morning?" He chuckled

"What time is it?"

"Around eleven in the morning, we should get you ready."


"No offense but you smell like shit."

"Well maybe because I was never allowed to go upstairs to where the bathroom is."

"You could've asked me."

"You never even told me that was an option."

"Whatever you say." He picked me up and walked out of the room

He opened a door to the bathroom and put me in the tub and started the water

"Can I take off your clothes?"


"Then how would I give you a shower dumbass?"

"I can do it myself."

"You can't even stand up properly"

"My arms work just fine."

He glared at me

"Don't give me any ideas."

(I just imagined limbless hajime-)

I could just image what a psycho like him would do and felt my whole body tremble in fear

"So let me ask again, can I take off your clothes?"


"I'm not going to do anything weird if that's what you're worried about, not yet atleast."

I looked away as he took off my shirt, he stared at me for a while and glided his hand down my chest and glide over my wounds

(Jesus Christ is this strange to write)

I shivered at his cold touch and slightly groaned

He got up and went inside the tub which made me freak out and start splashing the water on him

"Hey calm down will you?!" He sat down infront of me and put shampoo on my hair

"No this is embarrassing enough stop making it worse!"

"How the hell am I making it worse I'm trying to help you for smelling like dog shit!"

"You're over dramatic!"

He cleaned my hair and body while I protested

"Deku I swear to god if you don't stop I'll cut your arms!"

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