Shawty got that fatty 😃🤙

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Shawty be catching mood swings~

Anyway, the next morning ig 🤙

Everyone in the dorms walked out and went to the living room, they all looked around and realized denki wasn't there

"Where'd dunce face go?"
"Should we go look for him?"
"There's nothing else to do so I think we should"
"As class representative I think we should look for kaminari!"
"Yeah we get it four eyes"

They all got up and searched the dorm rooms, they checked all except for one, Minas

"He should be in here I think"

Jiro opened the door but she wasn't suspecting the image before her...

"...K-kami?..." Jiro managed to stutter out

Kaminari turned around

"W-wait guys I swear it's not what it looks like!"

What they all saw was denki carrying Minas lifeless body, denki took off the noose from Minas neck before they came in.

"Guys I swear I didn't do this to her!"

Izuku and Iida quickly ran away to tell a staff member, everyone had hatred and disgust in their eyes seeing who they thought was a close friend with the dead body of Mina

Aizawa and a few other pros came over with Iida and izu next to them.

"Alright, move out of the way I need to see if these accusations are true."

They all moved aside and saw the scene before them in pure shock (no pun intended 🤙)

They went inside and put cuffs on him


"...I'm sorry kaminari..." aizawa mumbled

They took him away and called authorities, Katsuki looked for izuku

"Two birds with one stone" Katsuki chuckled to himself.

"You okay?"
" I'm not... I thought these murders would be over but instead the kept going"
"Well we did catch him, highly doubt anymore murders will happen now" Katsuki hugged izuku, he comforted him with a gentle voice.

"So kaminari really was the murderer...?"
"Seems so"
Izuku sighed and grasped tightly onto Katsuki "but kami was so nice... it's hard to believe that he would murder his own friends..."
"Maybe so but anyone can appear in a different light then you think."
Izuku sighed and looked up at katsuki, he smiled slightly

"Thank you Kacchan, I appreciate you doing this everytime someone's killed..."
"It's alright."
Izuku buried his head on katsukis chest and fell asleep, thinking the murders will finally be over.

Katsuki put izuku down, he left the dorm and glanced back, smirking devilishly.

"Get ready for a surprise when you wake up my sweet little izuku..."

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