I like yuh cut g

21 2 0

I felt a strange sensation, like I was being watched...

I opened my eyes and saw Kacchan sitting beside me on the bed and just looking at me

"What are you doing here, psycho?"

"Don't call me that."

"Just what do you want? Don't you know it's weird having someone stare at you while you sleep?"

"I couldn't help myself, you looked so beautiful in your sleep" he reached his hand out to me and I slapped it away

"That's creepy, what are you? Stupid?"

"Don't say things you'll regret."

"Maybe I wouldn't say that if you didn't kidnap me and kill my friends."

He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me down

"So clearly you didn't hear me when I told you that they aren't your friends, I'm the only one who truly loves you deku."

"If you loved me you wouldn't have stabbed me yesterday"

"I needed to put you in your place. I couldn't have you disrespecting me like that, my love."

"Don't call me that, I don't love you."

"Yes you do,"
He came closer and whispered in my ear again
"-you just don't know it yet..."

He backed up and got off the bed

He picked me up and he headed out the room, we then went upstairs to a house.

So I was right. I was in a basement.

"This isn't the same house as aunt mitsuki's"

"Yeah, I killed off a family so we can live here."

"You killed a family?!"

"I killed a whole class and you think I wouldn't kill a family?"

"Won't the pro hero's think somethings off because we're the only survivors?"

"I took care of them."

"What do you mean you 'took care' of them?!"

"Let's just leave it as that, they won't be a bother to us."

"You're crazy."

"What did I tell you about saying things you'll regret."

"Honestly why are you even doing this you psychopath?!"


"Answer me you freak!" I tried pushing him away with my arms and legs

"Don't do that."

"Let me go you jerk!"

He sighed and pushed me to the ground

"I hate you Kacchan."

"You belong to me."

He slapped me again, I held my hand to my cheek and gave him a look of hatred

"I'll teach you how to be obedient my way. Blame this on yourself deku."

He grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me back downstairs, what was he going to do? I was starting to get scared by how his expression was. It was dead serious and it seemed like he was getting mad

He dragged me back onto the chair that I hated so much, he chained me back down and went off again

What was he going to do? I was struggling trying to get out of the chair.

I saw him walk back with a few weapons

"Hey stop! I'm sorry okay?!"

"It's to late for a sorry deku."

"No no! I'm sorry!"

He put tape on my mouth I started crying while shaking my head no

"I'm sorry baby but this is the only way to get you acting right."

He kissed me and took a weapon, he looked my eyes and I started shaking and crying more

He sighed and took a blindfold from the table and put it on me

"Hopefully this makes you feel better love"

I shake my head no and tried to scream out for help

I think he took off my pants from what I felt

A while later I felt a sharp pain on my other leg I wanted to scream out

I then felt him grab onto my other leg he was gliding a sharp object on the massive cut I had from the other night.

I felt so much pain when he deepens the knife, making the cut bleed out. I tried shaking leg to make him go away but he just grabbed it and tightened his grip. Making his nails dig into my skin harshly and made me bleed out.

I felt him go lower on my leg and stabbing it slightly and pushing the knife lower, making a huge cut down my leg.

He then stabbed my foot on my other leg and my tears started more harshly streaming down my face. I just wanted the pain to stop

I felt him bite down on my neck drawing blood

"Have you learned your lesson?"

I shake my head yes quickly

He took off the blindfold, chains and tape all the pain I was in causing me to cry out and scream

He held me close and hugged me tightly

"Oh my sweet little deku, I'm sorry but I had to teach you how to behave better. Don't disrespect me again and I won't do it anymore okay?"

I just cried more as he kissed me again

I hated him..

I'd rather die then be with him.

He helped me with my wounds and picked me up, he went upstairs and placed me down on a chair

"What do you feel like eating?"

Tears were still in my eyes and I was still slightly crying


He went up to me and kissed my lips

"Come on baby, what do you want to eat?"


"Okay love"

He headed off to the fridge and looked inside

"How do you feel about eating amother katsudon? I know how much you love them

I nodded my head yes while wiping away my tears.
He cooked while I sat there trying to stop the tears

He placed a plate of katsudon infront of me, I grabbed it whilst my hands were still trembling in fear and pain

He went behind me and hugged me while I ate the katsudon

Does he think I forgive him or something?!

"Hey love, what do you feel like doing?"


"You don't want another punishment do you?"

"N-no I'm sorry"

He chuckled

"Won't you look at that? You're finally learning how to be obedient, maybe in the future I can get rid of you being a brat completely."

I didn't respond

"U-um can I sleep...?"

"Oh yeah you need rest after all that blood loss" he laughed

What's wrong with him? Where's the Kacchan I know?

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