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—deku daddy's POV 😩—
(This is just a fluff chapter, no deaths)
I woke up, a strong tall figure grasping my waist, I smile brightly thinking it was kirishima, that what happened was just a bad nightmare but it was just Kacchan..

"He really is gone.." I held onto Kacchan more, I felt so guilty with the death of kirishima.. I could've stopped it from happening but instead I let him go, this all could've been avoided if it wasn't for my decision

I felt Kacchan grabbed me tightly then before, I tried to get up but Kacchan pushed me down by the waist

"Where are you going" he asked, I stayed silent for a while and just told him I was going to eat, he let go of me so I got up from his bed and walked out, why was Kacchan being so nice? Yeah sure...kirishima died and all... but even if he did it's strange that Kacchan would be this nice..

I went infront of kirishimas door, there were candles, flowers, furry teddy bears and a picture of him smiling in the middle... I missed him, he was one of the only people I trusted the most.. he was to young to die.. I was going to find whoever did this to him. I promise kirishima.

Bakuhoes POV 😃📸👈

I woke up earlier the izu, I tried to go to sleep again but I couldn't. I felt ruffling below me and knew he was awake so I gripped onto him tighter.

He got on top of me and tried getting off the bed, I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him towards me.

"Where are you going?" Was he onto me? Did he know I'm the one who killed kiri?

"I'm kinda hungry so I'll get something to eat" he seemed cold.

I let him go and he walked off, I had to make sure nobody would take him from me, what if someone asked him out or something? I couldn't allow it. I couldn't allow my sweet little deku to be taken by someone else's inferior grasp.

I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready

Then took the fattest shit I've taken in years.


I went over to where deku was and hid behind a wall in the hallway, he was just staring at the door of kirishimas room, those idiots placed some things and he's just crying and staring at it.

Four eyes came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder which made me flinch in surprise, I looked at him and he started putting his arm in some kind of weird robotic motion like a dumbass,

"Bakugo! I what are you doing standing in the hallway when you should be in your room doing homework!"

"I already did the homework."

"Well you shouldn't be out here, you don't know if that murder comes here again!"

"Highly doubt-"

I stopped in the middle of my sentence to try to think about what I would say.

"-they would be able take me on, four eyes."

"It's good to have that kind of mindset in this kind of situation but it's still dangerous, we don't know their quirk or what they can do without their quirk! What are you looking at anyway?"

Iida looked around the corner and saw deku on the ground crying infront of kirishimas door, he turned back to me.

"Ah...bakugo are you worried about midoriya? He's going to be alright. We will all be all right, if you're this worried about him you should speak to him about the situation, or would you like me to do it?"

I scoffed and paused, trying to see what I should answer

I stopped for a while

"...you do it." I walked outside, I was going to let four eyes slide, He's a good guy.


Someone sat next to me, I looked over and saw Iida softly smiling at me

"Hey midoriya, you okay?"

I wiped my eyes and smiled at him

"Yeah I'm fine, I just miss him..."

Iida rapped his strong arms around me,

"We all know kirishima was close to you, uruaka too, it's fine to not be okay midoriya. even if it happened a week ago you don't have to act like it was years ago. It's fine, we won't judge you. We all still feel upset on what happened to our friends."

I hugged Iida tightly, his strong embrace giving me the feeling of being protected. That I was safe with him.


Bakuhoes POV

I'm not sure why I let Iida with deku, maybe because he comforted me? I'm not sure..

I was upset at myself, I let Iida hangout with him which I never did with anyone else, I needed to get my stress out. I walked around trying to find someone alone, there was a girl who seemed to be around my age on her phone looking down, I took my phone out and unlocked it, pretending to be texting someone, we bumped into each other and fell back she quickly got up and apologize and held out her hand to help me up, I faked a soft smile at her

"Thank you"

"I-it's fine! Sorry, I wasn't looking."

It seemed like she was blushing after seeing me

"Hey, want to grab a coffee?"

"O-oh yeah sure!" She smiled brightly and we both walked around,

"What's your quirk?"

"Oh- my quirk is morph, I can turn into any object, animal or person, it takes away a lot of energy if I use it to much so I would pass out if I do it too much, what's yours?"

"Explosions, I can create powerful explosions out of my hands."

"Woah that's so cool!"

We turned a corner and I looked around, nobody was near..

I slowed down and when she was infront of me I went behind her and covered her mouth, and pushed her back I grabbed my knife and stabbed her infront of her stomach, her eyes widened as she struggled, it seemed like she tried to use her quirk, it was good I coated the knife with some illegal quirk stopper or some shit, she tried to tell for help but I continued to stab her aggressively until she became limp. She fell on the ground and the lights in her eyes faded, she stopped twitching and I picked up her body, I went into an alley and put her body in a box and left, I walked back to the dorms and everyone was gone, it wasn't that late so they're either in their dorm rooms or they left. I sighed and went to my room, disposing the knife and bloody clothing.

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