🐴Nay nay killua🐴

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"T-todo...todoroki... what have you done to him.."

"Well it's similar to kirishimas death isn't it? I thought you'd like it since you two were special."

This guy is crazy, he's killing everyone I care about infront of me like it's nothing!

"I thought you and kirishima were friends, why would you kill him?!" I tried my best to distract myself from todorokis severed dead body infront of me

What if he hurt mom?! I can't just ask him about her, what if he hasn't killed her and me asking about it will make him get some twisted ideas?!

He sat in-front of me and put his face just barely away from me

"I did it for us."
"No, you did this for yourself! I don't want this and I don't love you okay?!"
"Of course you love me, your friends were just a small price to pay."
"No you're a lunatic! I hate you don't you understand that?! Or can you not get that through your disgusting twisted mind?!"
Katsuki grabbed onto izuku's arm and sent sparks to his arm, using a bit of his quirk, this got izuku's attention and he questioned if Katsuki got rid of izukus quirk forever or temporarily.

"Don't talk to me that way, don't you remember what happened last time you acted out? Do you really want that to happen again?"

Izuku mumbled something under his breath

"What was that, I can't hear you."

"Mgh... I said sorry."

"Your arms and legs are working better right?"

What was he going to do?

"Answer me deku."

"Y-yes okay? They're getting better."

"Good, I need you to help me with something."

Katsuki pulled something out from a bag and put it around my neck,

a collar?!

He leashed me as if I were a dog to him and he put me downstairs, we walked outside and he put the leash down

"I don't really have a place to attach this to so just stay here, don't move. I'm warning you." He went inside and headed upstairs leaving me alone outside, if I ran now I could maybe find someone to help me, my legs are better but I can't exactly run, I can walk but even that's a struggle

I have to try my best then, I have to escape.

I started walking away when I realized that I wouldn't make it out of katsukis sight in time, I tried my best to run and forget about the pain before I hear something, I looked behind me and it was Katsuki just glaring at me, how did he catch up to me that easily...? His gaze was frightening and sent me falling back in horror

"I told you not to move." He grabbed onto the leash and pulled it towards him making me fall foward trembling

He took some sort of remote from his pocket and pressed a yellow button,


I started screaming and grasping onto the collar begging Katsuki to turn it off but he just watched as I trembled on the ground infront of him in pain, he wasn't listening to me and pull the collar towards him again and started walking back to the house, dragging me behind him until we finally came

He pressed the yellow button again and the pain stopped, I started breathing heavily and tried pulling on the collar to get it off

"That's not going to work dumbass. Just give up and help me with this." He put gasoline on top of todorokis body and he went inside the house, spilling the gasoline all over the place until he finally walked out, I didn't dare to try and run away again.

He went infront of me and patted my head before taking out a match and lighting the place

"W-why are you burning the house...?"
"Half-n-half's father is the number one hero, of course he'd send a bunch of people to come looking for him and after the word got around they said they would check all across until they found him. I'm not risking that so we will go to a new location."

I nodded as he held onto me And sent explosions from his hands, sending us to the air as he started going to a different direction, I put my head on his chest and slept from the feeling of being shocked like that exhausting him.

Went he woke up he was in bed with Katsuki, his grasp was tight making izuku unable to move, he was about to go back to sleep before he remembered that remote Katsuki had, if izuku got rid of it, it would boost his chance to escape. He felt around katsukis pockets until he felt it, he grabbed it and took it out, there were three buttons, a yellow one, a pink one and a green one, he knew what the yellow one did already buyt he didn't know the other two, he was about to press the pink button before a hand caught him, izuku shivered in fear. He didn't want to look up knowing Katsuki would just scare izu.

"What do you think your doing deku."

"I-I-I was just curious on what they did"

"I'm not showing you, not yet atleast."

I nodded and struggled, trying to get out of his grasp, he let go of me and I got up and looked at my legs, the stab wounds were healing better and I could move them more easily

"Don't get used to them, as soon as you do something that annoys me I'll stab them over and over again."

I didn't respond and just looked away

"U-uh... I want to use a bathroom, where is it?"

Katsuki sighed and got up, he held the leash again and walked over to the bathroom, I was crawling behind him as he set the leash down, he opened the door and let me in, closing the door behind me, I groaned and tried my best to stand up. I looked at the mirror and sighed

I need to think of a place I could escape, or maybe I could do something better...

To be continued

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