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This GONNNNNN~ 💧⭐️ hurt me more then it hurts you.

Bakuhoes POV😃

I felt the blood rush in my body in excitement as I stabbed her as forcefully as I could, she eventually stopped screaming and crying, her body just sat there. Lifeless.

I needed to dispose of her body, people would be getting up at this time so I have to hurry.

-after setting her on fire to dispose her😃-

I hurried back to the dorms and went to my room, after a few minutes I came out to where everyone else was, pretending I just woke up.

"Hey bakubro! Have you heard of Uraraka?

"She's usually the first one up"

"How the hell would I know?"

"Ah right, but one of should check up on her"

Deku volunteered to check her dorm. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, they were close.

Deku left and headed towards her room, but I knew she wouldn't be there, she wouldn't be anywhere near Deku anymore.

After a while Deku came rushing from the hall, he seemed scared

"Guys Uraraka isn't there, I'm worried!"

"Hey midobro it's okay, I'm here for you. I'm sure she'll come back" kirishima hugged deku. I couldn't stand it, I didn't want to kill him. He was my friend but it's his fault for getting close to things that aren't his.

Everyone was comforting deku, after all he was the closest to her, I couldn't imagine to see his face when she never comes back,

"Hey guys I'm going to be comforting Izu, I'll see you guys later."

They headed of to dekus dorm, everyone started wondering and asking each other about pink cheeks and where she could be. They all hoped for the best and tried to keep their minds off the situation, though i was thinking of a way to dispose of kirishima, and finally I got an idea. I can't wait to see Dekus terrified look when he gets this surprise gift..

—Izuku's POV—

Kirishima was comforting me and telling me things will be okay but, Uraraka wouldn't leave without telling me would she? Somethings wrong, she's in danger.

Kirishima looked at his phone and got up

"Hey midoriya someone what's to meet me stay here okay?" Kirishima lightly smiled at me and patted my head, I gave him one last hug before he left.

It's been hours.......where is he....?

*ding dong*


*ding dong*

I got up and ran to the door, I opened it expecting kirishimas tall figure to be before me, instead in-front of the door was a small gift box... the box was white with red ribbon as a bow on top.. i went down on my knees and put my hand near the bow, I made it come undone and slowly opened the box.. I felt my breathing become hard..my eyes widening as tears formed...

"AHHHHHHH!" I quickly jump back screaming as people come out of their dorm areas they were confused but then looked at the box... some started vomiting...others screamed and others cried...

"Who would do this..."

Kacchan was behind the crowd he seemed like he was about to cry, poor Kacchan they were bestfriends...

Inside the box was kirishimas head..his eyes wide with tears, the bottom of the box was filled with kirishimas blood, his skin was pale and cold.

My tears became more heavy.. the person I loved the most was killed and whoever did it just forced me to see him dead...

But who would do such a thing? Everyone here liked kirishima so why would they kill such an innocent person... I could've stopped this... if only I told him to stay things would be different...

—bakuhoes POV—

It was fun while it lasted kirishima, it was fun killing him. Though he was my friend so I killed him faster then I did to round face.

Though it did hurt me personally when izuku was crying in the floor and gripping onto the floor calling out kirishimas name, I walked up to izuku and hugged him, he gripped onto my back and cried, I felt bad for him. Though it needed to be made, kirishima shouldn't have gotten close to what wasn't his.

I picked deku up and headed out

"I don't think deku should stay looking at that.. I'll take him to my dorm"

Everyone thanked me for putting deku as my priority even though I "hated" him,

I held izuku tight as we headed to my dorm, izuku passed out from what happened a few minutes later, I put him down on the bed and got on below him, holding his waist tightly onto me.

"You'll be mine forever" I whispered into his ear.

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