Chapter 4~Training

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—A/N* sorry for not posting in a while I have a lot of school work and I try to fit everything in. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I am also working making my chapters longer. Byeee <33–

The morning sun streaming through the curtains and into your eyes. "Well I guess this means I have to get up now." You say as you pull yourself out of bed. You drag yourself self over to the bathroom to wash your face and brushed your teeth. You then walk over to your closet and pull out some jeans and a sweater and throw it on. You skip downstairs with a smile on your face, feeling extra happy today for some reason.

"Good morning!" You say as you walk into the kitchen and over to the coffee machine to make yourself a morning coffee. "Well someone seems to be in a good mood today." Tony says. "Oh I am trust me, I just don't know why." "Morning Y/n if you want we are all training today you can come along if you would like." "That would be lovely Nat Thank you!" You say as you sit down on one of the stools at the bench.

"Hey guys!" Steve, Bucky and Sam say as the three of them came into the kitchen door. "Where have you been, you stink?" You say while pinching your nose to block out the stench. "Just for a morning run you should join us sometime." Sam says while Bucky snickers at Sams's suggestion and they both look at Steve. "Oh no that would mean I have to get up early and I'm not doing that." "Oh yes we can't have you getting up early now can we doll." Bucky says that which makes everyone else laugh. "Very funny but now I'm going to go on a walk before training... goodbye." You say as you walk out of the room and wave.

You walk away and grab your jacket off the hook and wave goodbye to them. You zip up your jacket and rap a scarf around yourself and put a woolly hat on. You had been inside for a couple of days now and really needed some fresh air. "Ah fresh air." You say to yourself as the cool autumn breeze blows into your face as your step out of the building. The orange and yellow leaves on the trees people in brown clothing. Autumn is  one of your favourite seasons everything about is just so calm and fresh.

~Time passes~

You look at your phone and see that it is half past one."Wow the time has gone quick." You start to head back to headquarters since that you have training soon.

"Guys I'm back!" You shout as you take off your jacket. There's no answer. You walk to the main room and see Thor Bruce and Clint watching some bird program. "Hey guys, where is everyone else?" You ask them. "They're training we will be there in a minute, just enjoying this amazing bird show." Thor says sarcastic. "We got told by Tony to tell you to change into something different and to go meet them down there." Clint adds on from Thor's. "Alright then."

You open the door into your room and see that on your bed there is a pair of leggings and a sports top with a note on top of them saying. 'Y/n, these are for training , you have to wear them, from Nat.'

"Well I guess that's my outfit sorted out." you say. You're still a bit nervous about training, not the fighting part because you've been doing that for years now and you have the best teacher of course. It is your first time training with your powers and so you are scared you will hurt someone. You put the outfit on with a hoodie over the top and throw your y/h/c hair in a pony tail. 

You walk into the training room which has got everyone in now since Clint, Bruce and Thor had just joined. "Y/n good your here!" Tony says while taking your bag and putting it on a bench. "So what will I be doing exactly?" You ask him. "Well you will be fighting anyone who is up to a challenge." "Okay well who wants to fight me, I promise I don't bite," you say with an innocent smile on your face. "I'll give it a go." Steve says while Sam and Thor pat him on the back. "Good luck buddy!" Sam says. "Kick his ass Y/n!" Bucky shout from over where he is lifting weights. "Will do Buck!" You shout back.

You both stand in middle of the floor on mats to protect your selfs in case you fall. "Just go easy now we don't want any accidents." Tony says sending a look at you. "Got it!" Steve says. "Nat and you let out a giggle. "He was talking to Y/n." Nat through a fit of giggles.

You both get into a ready position and then Tony says "Fight!" Steve throws a punch at you but you catch it and spin his arm around and pin him on the floor. "Now don't go easy on my Rogers." He pushes you off him and pins your wrists to the floor. "This better for you princess." He says to you. You feel his warm breath on your neck making your heart beat faster. Adrenaline flowing through your body. You use one of Natasha's tricks. You swing your legs around his neck and lift your self up and push him down. He lies there for a bit so you stand up and start to walk away. He sees you walking and swings his leg to try and trip you over but you just jump over them. *In Steve's mind she's good* "Oh I know I'm good Captain." You say as you turn around and winking at him. "Well I guess she can read minds now." Tony says. "Great no more privacy." Bucky says smirking at Steve. "THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!" Thor yells which makes you laugh.

~Time passes~

Later on when you are putting your pyjamas on there is a knock at your door. You go over and open it and see Steve standing there. "Hi Y/n I just wanted to say that you did good today, better than I thought really." He says while scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Thank you..." You reply starting to blush a bit. "Well I better get going goodnight." "Goodnight Steve." You say trying to control your self from saying something stupid. What was that all about, you think to yourself.

Y/N Stark x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers -  AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now