Chapter 3~ Results

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As you start to slowly fall conscious you can hear a new voice. "Mr Stark are you sure she's alive I really want to meet her." "Yes she's fine Peter just give her a minute or two." Your eyes fully open now and you see your dad and some other boy standing next to the bed you are in. "Why are you talking so loud?" You say with a raspy tone in your voice. "Oh sorry, hello I'm u-um Peter Parker." "Oh yes SpiderMan I have heard lots about you." You say as you push yourself up from lying down. "Woah steady there." Bruce says from the other side of you. "But I'm uncomfortable." "Yes okay but be careful we don't want you passed out for hours again now do we." You are guessing that it is quite late since that it's started to get dark outside. "I'll help you up Y/n, everyone else is in the main room." He lifts you up just enough so you can stand up but your legs wobble a bit. He grabs your waist quickly to stop you from falling. "Thanks," you say as he helps you walk through the door and to the main room. "You smell really nice Peter." "Oh uh-h thank you."

Once you two reached the main room Peter helps you sit down since that you are still feeling dizzy. "So Y/n how are you feeling?" Steve asks you. "I'm a bit better now thank you." "Now Y/n we have the results of the tests about your powers. They say that they're similar to Wanda's and that the purple mist that was coming from your hands before is what can help you get into a persons head and control them and also the reason you felt a bit dizzy before is because you weren't in control of them." Bruce says. "And that you maybe able to read minds in the future... possibly." Tony adds. "Woah, that's a lot to take in." Y/n I'm sure Nat and I could help you train to help you control them if you would like." Wanda asks you. "That would be great!" You say in an exited tone.

-At night-
One by one each one of them fall to the ground blood dripping from their heads and in their mouths. Only Tony was left he sat up right in a chair with a gun to his head. "No please don't hurt him!" You scream at the man holding the gun.

But it's too late he pulled the trigger and you saw your father fall to the ground with the rest of them. "NOO!!" You scream in pain "WHY!" Tears gushing down your face. "You could have saved us Y/n..." You hear Natasha say in your head. "You choose yourself over us." Wanda says. "No stop please! I didn't mean it!"  I thought you were our friends..." Thor says. "No no no.."

-End of nightmare-

"No no..." You say as you start to wake up while shaking your head. You look around to see if you are safe and not still asleep. You sit up in your bed and take some deep breaths. "That was horrible I just saw everyone I love get killed right in front of me." You shake your head to try and get the images out of your head. You decide that it would be a good idea to go down stairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. You slide yourself out of bed and get a hoodie to wear since that it is a bit chilly. You tip toe down the hallway since that everyone is asleep.

Once you are at the bottom of the stairs you quickly run to the kitchen and open a cupboard. Of course because of your height you're not able to reach a glass. You climb onto the counter and get out a glass, you put it down and hoping off the counter and then fill it up. While drinking the last drops from the cup you decide that there is no point in going back to sleep because you're likely to see the bad images again so you choose to go to the training room for a bit of practice.

You step out of the elevator and walk into the training room. You walk over to the punching bags and hang one up. You then go over to wear your bag is which where you keep your equipment. You wrap your hands up in tape then take off your hoodie so that you are just in shorts and T-shirt. You start to throw punches.

After a while of kicking and punching you start to feel all of your emotions start to flood through you. Anger. Melancholy.

"Are you sure you heard something Bucky?" "Yes, I definitely heard someone walk past my room."

You start to hear voices from a distance but you are not sure if it's just because you're tired. "Look it's Y/n! I told you I heard someone." "Yeah yeah whatever keep it down I don't want her to know we're here."

You start to punching even harder now feeling anger rage up in you and then with in one hit the punching bag is flung to the other side of the room. "Wow that was amazing!" Bucky says while clapping which makes you jump. You turn face him and Steve who are standing at the door way. "I didn't realise you were that strong." Steve says. "Oh u-uh thank you, s-sorry if I woke you up." "Oh no it's fine now we know your skills and what you are capable of." You all stand in silence felling a bit awkward. "Well I'm going to head off to bed then, night." You say as you start to scramble all of your things together and put them back in your bag. You then pick up your hoodie and walk past them with your head down in embarrassment. "Night Y/n!" "Night!"

"Tony wasn't wrong about her abilities." Steve says to Bucky after you were out of site.

Y/N Stark x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers -  AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now