Chapter 7- 'Surprise' guest

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A/N* Please tell me you understand the surprise bit in the title. I tried to be creative ;)

Bang. "Y/n wake up quickly!" You hear as you open your eyes suddenly. "What is it?" You groan while rubbing your eyes. You can see properly and in the distance there is a black blob coming closer and closer toward you and the Avengers tower. "Wh-what's happening?" You say trying to make sense of what's going on. "Y/N YOU HAVE TO COME, NOW!" Tony shout from across the roof. You turn around to face him and start running towards him and the other Avengers. Suddenly a tall figure appears in front of you. "Hello darling." He says in a dark tone. You look and see a tall man with long black hair slicked back and wearing a weird green and black outfit.

"Loki don't touch her!" Thor yells from the huddle of people. "Loki..." you mumble to yourself. Loki then fades away and you feel a cold sensation on your neck. You wince in pain and look up and see Loki pulling against you with a knife up to your throat. "LOKI!"You hear everyone yell and you stand there in shock not knowing what to do. Natasha's trick I'm sure I could try and defend my self. You think to your self.

You then let out a burst of energy and knee him in the crotch and he winces in pain and drops the dagger. You turn your self around to face him and a smirk forms of your face. "Now that wasn't a smart idea was is Y/n." Loki say. You lunge forwards at him and punch him in the face but he dodges past it. He then kicks you in your stomach which makes you loose your breath for a second. Once you've caught your breath you run towards him and pin him against the wall. "You could be great use to me Y/n along with your powers." Loki says before he disappears for good this time. You turn to sit against the wall out of breath. "What the hell was that all about" Sam says as everyone look at you in shock.

-Back Inside-

You were all now sitting in the meeting room sat at the large round table. Nobody is saying anything so you decide to speak up. "So um what are we gonna do about him?" You say which makes everyone look at you. "Nothing, I mean Loki can disappear when ever he wants where ever he wants, that makes it pretty hard to find him." Tony says. "Well there is one place where he could be." Thor says which makes everyone's eyes shoot to him.

"Asgard, you mean your planet Asgard where you came from?" Sam asks Thor. "Yes that Asgard." He replies. "So how are we going to get there then it's not like we have some space ship that can take us there." Bucky says. "Well we do have a Stark Industries one." Tony says. "Great lets get ready then go into space." You say. "Well it's not that easy, you see it's a little bit broken." Tony says while looking down at his feet. "Well I'm sure you can fix it up mister metal man." Sam says making Bucky crack a smile at. "Alright then I fix the ship and you guys suit up." Tony says making everyone jump into action and walk away to where their stations are. 

You stay behind with Tony and tell him. "Um dad," he looks up at you. "I don't have a suit." You say feeling a bit awkward. "Well good job I've been saving this for you then." He say while pressing a button on a  remote making a large room appear on your left.(Hehe little sneaking quote.) He leads you in and you see a white suit in glass cabinet. 

(This is how I image it to look like but you can change if you would like.)

"Wow, this is mine?" You ask him with you jaw hung open

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"Wow, this is mine?" You ask him with you jaw hung open. "Yet all yours had it designed when you were 7." He says looking proud of himself. Without thinking you run up to him and hug him. "Thank you, I love it." You say with your head against his chest while he strokes your hair. "Well um you go and try it on and meet downstairs alright." He says trying not to make things awkward. You nod at him and then he leaves.

You walk over to the suit and take it all in that the perfectly white suit in front of you was yours. "Hello Miss Stark," a voice says which gives you a fright. "It's J.A.R.V.I.S." He says. "H-hi J.A.R.V.I.S" You say nervously. The cabinet doors open reviling the suit in all its glory. You reach forwards and take it out and lay it down on a bench. You start to undress  yourself and put the suit on. You walk toward a mirror and look at yourself. Wow I look hot. You think to yourself. You then tie your hair up into a high pony tail and walk out the room and the doors shutting behind you. 

After walk for what feels like a million stairs you get to the room which has everyone in. You open the door and everyone turns their heads to look at you. You walk over to the group of superheros who are all staring at you. "You know it's rude to stare." You say which makes everyone look away. "You look hot!" Natasha says still staring at you and Wanda nodding in agreement. "Well I must say you do scrub up nicely yourself ladies." You say winking at them both which makes them role their eyes. 

"So are we ready to get this show on the road or what?" You say. "Well who knows how to fly a space ship?" "Well I have done it once or twice." Thor says. "And I also know the way to Asgard." "Perfect, so what's the wait now." You say. "Exactly now lets get going!" You say while walking over to the space ship and climbing in. 

You sit down in to seat next to the drivers seat and buckle up. One by one the Avengers come in and sit down. It was pretty space-ish so that meant there was enough room for you all. Thor sits down next to your and starts the engine. "You sure you know how to fly this thing?" Bruce says from the back looking a bit nervous. You turn around to face him and give him a reassuring smile. "Next Stop, Asgard!" Thor yells.

"Lets go baby!" You yell back while everyone has a disappointed look on their faces from you two. You just chuckle and the space ship shoots out of the tower and heads to space. Space, here we come. You think to yourself before taking your last glances of Earth for no one knows how long.

A/N* I added a little Marvel quote in there which I hope you understand. It's now just starting to get interesting. Also thank you for over 500 reads it means so much! 

Byeee Isla xoxo

Y/N Stark x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers -  AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now