Chapter 5~ Party

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It's the next day and you and the team are all in the living room when Tony comes in. "Guys I have an announcement..., I will be throwing a party later on tonight." "How lovely, but unfortunately I will not be participating." You say. "Oh Y/n please come you will love it me you and Nat can go and pick out your outfit together and do your makeup!" Wanda says with bright eyes. "Ugh fine but nothing to fancy." You say slumping down into your seat. "Good see you all at 8:00pm!" Tony says while waking away.

"I meant it I don't like to wear dresses or frilly things," you say glaring at Wanda. "Come on I'm sure we'll find something for your liking." Natasha says pulling you up from your position on the couch. "See you later!" Everyone shouts from the room as you are getting dragged to your bedroom. You manage to turn yourself around and mouth 'help me.' Thor, Sam, Clint, Steve, Bruce and Bucky all laugh. "Oh stop being a drama queen!" Nat and Wanda say in unison. You let out a groan as you carry on getting dragged.

Nat pushes you down in your chair and Wanda ties your hair back. "So Y/n any dress preferences?" "Erm probably just a plain dress..." "..Oh alright then, we will allow that but that means that we get to put make up on you." Nat says while smiling at Wanda.

After lots of dresses and outfit changes there is two options left. One is an open back black knee length and the other is a slim fit red dress will noodle straps. "So Y/n which one are you going to pick?" Nat says. "Uh well I like them both very much," you say looking down at the dresses on your bed. "Well I think that if you want to go classy go for the black and if you want to catch someone's eye then go for the red." Wanda says smiling. "I think I'm going to choose the red one." "Good choice!" Natasha and Wanda both say at the same. Now it is time for the worst part, the make up. "Make up time!" Wanda says while laughing. You groan "Not to much...please," you say with an pleading look on your face. "Ugh fine only a bit." Nat says while you all laugh.

After what felt like hours (which it probably was) the three of you are all dressed up and ready to party. Nat is wearing a long black dress and Wanda is wearing a short cream dress with layers at the front. "Well don't we all look beautiful, well shall we?" You say. The three of you walk out the door and you can hear the music coming from downstairs. You are all at the top of the staircase and you can see hundreds of people talking and dancing together. "Well I never knew my dad could throw a party like this." You says while look around at everyone. "It's one of the few things Tony Stark can do." Natasha says making you all laugh. You all walk down the stairs and over to the bar to get a drink.

"Well hello ladies," Bruce says. "You look u-uh beautiful." He says look down at his feet feeling feeling embarrassed. "Thank you!" Nat replies quickly, you and Wanda exchange an awkward and step back. "Well we'll see you guys later." You say to Bruce and Natasha who seem to be engrossed into a conversation to notice. You and Wanda look around for anyone you might know and you see Tony talking to Thor Steve and Bucky while Sam and Clint are playing pool with some other guys. "I'm going to go to the bathroom see you around." Wanda says as she walks away. You walk over to Tony trying not to fall over in your heals and embarrass yourself.

"Hey dad, you didn't tell me you had this many friends." You say once you have reached them successfully without falling. "Ha ha very funny, and may I add what are you wearing?" "A dress Wanda and Nat made me wear." "So Y/n you want a drink?" Thor asks you will a glass and a bottle of something in his hand. "Well I would love one but you see my over protective dad here wouldn't let me." You say patting Tony on the back. "Well I'm sure one won't hurt" Tony says. "That's the spirit old man!" You say taking the glass from Thor and drinking it all at once. "Woah steady there." Bucky says while you make a face from the drink. "Didn't know you had that in ya kid," Thor says taking the glass from you.

It's a few hours later and everyone has left apart from you and the avengers. You are all sitting in the lounge area talking. "Whosoever, be he worthy, shall haveth the power", whatever man! It's a trick!" Clint says gesturing at Thor's hammer. "By all means be my guest," Thor says to Clint. He gets up and walks over to the hammer on the table and put his hands on the handle. You all look at him with a smug look on your faces. Clint starts to pull but it doesn't budge. You all smile at him and Sam pats him on the back, he releases his hand and steps back. "Alright fine I'm not worthy, anyone else care to try." "Tony?" Rhodey suggests looking at you with a smile. "Well I'm sure it won't harm to give it a go." He stands up and unbuttons his jacket dramatically then struts over the the table. "Now don't be a pussy about it if you can't lift it!" You say with a grin on your face which makes everyone laugh. "So if I lift this I rule all of Asgard?" Tony asks Thor and he replies with a nod. He then grips onto the hammer and pulls. Nothing. "One second I'll be right back." He says and walks off.

Tony comes back with his metal arm from his Iron Man suit and then walks back over to the hammer. "Alright ladies and gentlemen prepare to be amazed!" He then pulls again smoke coming out of the metal hand and the hammer still not moving. "Just give up already Stark." Steve shouts over all the noise from the hand. "No I can do everything *gasp* and I will not let some stupid hammer *gasp* get in my way." He says still pulling. "My father ladies and gentlemen!" You say gesturing at Tony while taking a sip of your drink.

It's later on around midnight and you all have had a few drinks and are drunk. "How about we play a game of spin the bottle." Thor suggest. "As per usual Thor coming up with the best ideas," Tony says while drinking the rest of his beer and putting the empty bottle on the floor. "So who's first?" You say. "Well I think since it's Thor's choice he should," Sam suggests. Thor get up from his seat and kneels down to the bottle and spins it. It spin round and eventually it lands on Wanda. You can see she is blushing but suddenly Thor comes up to her and pecks her right on the lips. When he sits back on his chair you and Nat look at Wanda who looks a bit flustered you both give her a reassuring smile. "Okay then who's next!" you stay trying to defuse the tension in the room. "I'll give it a go," Nat says going up to the bottle and spinning it. It lands on Bruce. Natasha gets up and walks over to Bruce who looks a little nervous. You see Steve smile at him which makes you smile. Nat kisses him and Bruce kisses her back. You all sit in silence waiting for them to finish. "Um so is anyone going to stop them." You say glancing around the room. "Alright guys that's enough." Sam says tapping Nat on the shoulder which makes her pull away. She smiles at him and come sits back next to you. You whisper in her ear "What was that all about?" She just replies with "I don't know what you're talking about." "Anyone want to have a go?" Rhodey says. "But Nat you clearly like-,"You start to say before she cuts you off with." Y/n would love to," she say pushing you over to the bottle with a smug look on her face. You glare back at her. You spin the bottle and it land on Bucky. 'Sorry,'he mouths to Steve. You and Bucky face each other and he leans in and kisses you. You both pull away and smile, you can see that Steve doesn't look happy about it. "Ugh now that image is stuck in my head." Tony says. "Oh shut up!" You say back to him.

Mamma Mia starts play on the speakers and you Nat and Wanda's hands and pull them onto one of the tables. "Mamma Mia hear I go again!" You sing. "My my how can I resist you!" Nat sings"Mamma Mia does it show again!" Wanda sings. "My my just how much I missed you!" You sing. "Yes I've been brokenhearted, blue since the day we parted!" You all sing together. "My daughter everyone." Tony says while putting his head in his hands.

-Steve's POV-

She looked so beautiful tonight when she came down the stairs in her red dress which made her look even more gorgeous than she normally is. When I saw the bottle land on Bucky my heart dropped but being the good friend I am I said nothing since that we both have a thing for her.

-End of Steve's POV-

After the three of you finish the song you are even more drunk and not capable of standing properly. "Thank you! And goodnight!" You shout, you then fall back. You feel someone catch you. "Steady there tiger," Steve says while you are hanging in his arms. "I think I'll take you to bed." "No ThE fuN HaS juSt StarTEd!" You say with a wobbly voice. You squirm around in his arms trying escape which is no use. "Goodnight Y/n!" Everyone shouts from as you get taken away.

When you get to your room Steve throws a shirt at you "Put this on," you take it and start to take your dress off. "Steve..." you say while spinning you finger around gesturing for him to turn around. "Oh right," he turns around and you throw your dress on the floor and kick your heals off then put the shirt over you. "Are you going to be okay?" Steve asks you. "Sure..." "Well goodnight Y/n." He turns around. "Steve wait!.. can you stay.. please? " You say. "If you want me to," he walks over and and you both get under the covers. He kisses your forehead and you put your head on his chest. "Goodnight Steve," "Goodnight Y/n."

-Meanwhile Downstairs-

Everyone is downstairs tiding up."Well I'll tell you something Stark that kid does know how to light up a party." Sam says. "Well she must get it from the best." Tony says. "When do you think Cap will come down it's been a while now." Clint asks. "Oh I wouldn't count on it." Nat says smirking at Wanda.

Y/N Stark x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers -  AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now