Chapter 9 - Dancing

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After, a hours of dancing around with Asgardians, drinking and eating. You took out your phone from one of the pockets in your dress and saw it was 1:00. You didn't even realise how long you were all there.

You then put your phone away and went to look for dad. You looked around and saw Bucky standing by himself in a corner watching people dancing. You walk over towards him. "Hi Buck," you say which shocks him, you had never called him that before, only Bucky. "Hi Y/n," he says. " I noticed that you looked a little lonely so I decided to come over." You say as you go stand next to stand next to him.

"Oh right yeah well, seeing everyone dancing tonight just made me think of back in Brooklyn when I would dance every night." He says while a warm smile appears on his face.

"Well I would happily dance with you if would like," you say.
"Yes really silly!" You laugh while dragging him to the floor where everyone is dancing.

"I just want to warn you that I'm no dancer," you say which makes you both chuckle.

He puts his hands on your waist and you put your hands on his shoulders. You both start to move in time with the music and away from side to side.

"I thought you said you weren't good at this," Bucky says.
"Well I may have done it once or twice." You say while looking around, you see your dad staring at you. You look at him and roll your eyes.

Everything about the night was perfect: the atmosphere, everyone having fun and the cool breeze from the outside.

You looked back up at Bucky and see he that he was staring at you with a smile on his face. "What?" You ask him smiling. "Your just to beautiful, that's all." He says before spinning you around. You yelp in shock before he holds you still. You both look into each other's eyes for what felt like eternity until you felt eyes on you from behind .

You turned around and saw that Loki was standing at the top of the stair case and was looking straight at you. You stood still in shock until he vanished away. You started to feel light headed so you grabbed Bucky's arm in support "Bucky... I don't feel... so good." You say between breaths.

He looked at you concerned and supported you. He looked around for someone to help. He court Thor standing with some people talking. Bucky then helped you over to him.  "Everything is going it be fine doll don't worry." He says trying to hide the worry in his voice. "Thor!" Bucky yells as he get closer which grabs Thor's attention. "Thor, please help it's  Y/n I don't know what to do." He say in panic. "Um ok everything will be fine I will take to my mother she will help." Thor says.

"What's going on?" Natasha says as she walks over and sees you in Thor's arms looking different than usual. "Omg! What happened?" She's says flustered. "Nat? Is that you?" You say trying to find her through your blurry vision. "Yes, yes it me," she saying while grabbing your hand for comfort. You just sight in relief before your eyes shut and you are unconscious.

Third person

"Y/n! Stay awake!" Thor shouts as he carries Y/n bridal style to his mother. Natasha and Bucky are left standing in shock of what had just happened and trying to process everything. Steve can Bucky and Natasha standing still so he walks over "What's up you look like you've seen a ghost," he chuckles. They both don't say anything. "Guys?" He says starting to feel worried. "St-eve Y/n isn't doing so well, Thor's taking her to his mother." Natasha manages to say. "What's wrong with her?" Steve chokes out. "We don't know-" Nat says until Tony interrupts her ."Why did I just see my daughter being carried out by Thor!" He shouts, this gets the attention of everyone and Sam, Bruce, Wanda and Clint.

"What's  going on here?" Wanda asks with a concerned look on her face. "Well Y/n isn't doing so well, but it is ok because Thor has taken her to his mother, right guys?" Nat tells them all trying to calm them down. "What!" Tony yells which makes Asgardians turn their heads in the Avengers direction. "Tony calm down everything is going to be ok," Clint says trying to comfort him. "No it wont be my daughter may be dead right now!" He says with a raised tone in his voice.  "Tony trust us she will be fine," Bruce says.

"Mother!" Thor shouts while running around frantically trying to find Frigga. 'Thor, is that you?" She questions from the other room. "Yes yes it's me, please help it's Lady Y/n she has fainted I think." He says as he stands in front of her. "Oh dear, lay her down her I will take care of her." Thor lays Y/n down gently on a big round bed. 

"Thor?" She say under her breath."Yes it's me Thor, everything will be alright ok just relax." He says frantically. "Thor I'll need you to leave please." Frigga says. "Of course but please be careful keep her safe, she means a lot to us." Thor says just before he begins to runs out the door and to the others in the hall.

"Everything is going to be fine Y/n you can trust me, I just need you to drink this for me." Frigga says  as she gives Y/n a glass bottle with a bubble red liquid in. Frigga gives her an encouraging smile which helps her to pour the liquid  in her mouth.

Your POV

The cool  liquid slides down your throat. You start to feel a dizzy ness fill your body again like it did before. You soon start to slip  unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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