Chapter 8- Asgard

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As Thor started to bring down the plane into landing you take your last glances at the beautiful colors in the black endless sky. You then fly down through a layer of clouds which reviles Asgard in all it's glory. Wow. You think to yourself. "Well here it is home sweet home." Thor said while he starts to land the ship onto a runway.

Everyone looked out of the massive window at the front of the ship in awe. "It's nothing much but it's home," Thor said as he pulled the vehicle to a sudden stop which made everyone come back in to reality. "Not much?" "This place is beautiful!" Your say which everyone shakes their heads in agreement.

The doors of the ship open and you unbuckle your seat belt as does everyone else. You get up out of your seat and walk outside. Thor leads you all to where a castle looking building is standing. "Wow," you whisper under your breath. You all walk through a high ceilined room which have a art piece painted on the ceiling in the middle. At the end of the hall there is a large thrown which has an old man sitting down with an eye-patch on. 

"Farther," Thor says to the man who nods at him."Loki, he is here on Asgard somewhere we don't know where but we will find out though." Thor says. "We?" The old man questions, he looks up from Thor and sees you and the rest of the Avengers. You all wave at him awkwardly. "Loki?" He says bringing his attention back to Thor. "I though he was dead." He says in confusion which makes everyone shocked. "Yes well he's not and he is here, he wants Lady Y/n over there." He says pointing at you which you smile at the eye-patched man which he smiles back. "Everyone on Asgard needs to be warned immediately." He says. "Guards!" The old man shouts which echoes around the hall. Three men dresses in armour come in and stand in a line in front of the man. He whispers something to them which you can't quite here. Thor comes of and stand back with you all. "That's my father Odin king of Asgard and protector of the nine realms," he says proudly. "My people will take you to some chambers which you will be provided with anything you shall need." Odin says as the guards lead you off to the chambers.

"Wow Thor didn't even introduce  us to your dreariest father." Clint says sarcastically. "Oh my bird man ." Thor shoots back as you all walk to the chambers.

"You will be staying here until further notice," one of the men in the amour says. You all nod in agreement.

"Well make yourself's at home." Thor says. You all go inside of your assigned rooms. You opened the door and saw a huge glass window with a view of the whole of Asgard in sight. "Wow," you said in oar.

Your bags were already in the room and on your bed, you started to unpack them one by one and hang your clothes up in the walk in closet. This place is huge. You thought to yourself while organising your shoes in the right pattern.

As you were just doing the finishing of the room you heard a knock at the door. "Hello, Y/n can I come in?" Tony said from the other side of the door. "Erm yeah sure," You said back as you walked over to the door and opened it.

You opened the door and see that Tony is there. "Oh hi dad," you say. "Hey um well I just wanted to ask you how you are feeling about all of this, you know well this is your first time doing anything like this." He says while walking over and sitting on the end of your bed. "Y-yeah I'm fine just a little strange that's all." You say as you walk over and sit down next to him. "That's good, Thor said that there is food in the main hall if you would like some." He says getting up from his position. "Yeah I'll come down haven't eaten since we left." You say while rubbing your stomach. He then smiles and leaves the room.

You walk over to the large glass window and look out on the view of Asgard. Thor must have been lucky to grow up in such a beautiful place. You think to yourself, "hello it's Thor," Thor says from outside of your door. You walk over and open the door and see Thor holding a outfit covered in armour.

"Lady Y/n I though that a beautiful Lady like you should have a beautiful outfit like this," he says gesturing to the clothing in his hand. "Oh erm what for?" You ask him. "Well I just think since it's your first time doing anything like this it's deserves to be special." He says while putting the dress on your bed. "Well I'll be off I hope to see you at the meal."

"Yes i'll be coming," you say. " And also it would mean a lot to me and your best friend if you could wear my present please." He says with pleading eyes. "Oh alright then." You say as you are pushing him out of your room. "Bye!" He shouts from down the hall which a giggle leaves your mouth.

This is what I imagine it to look like but you can change it:

This is what I imagine it to look like but you can change it:

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It was a lot for you to take in. How much material is on this? You ask yourself.

After figuring out how to put the suit on you are eventually ready to leave for dinner. You look in the mirror to see how you look. Wow. You think as you are inspecting every inch of the outfit. Once you are done look at yourself you walk out of the room and down the hall way. At the bottom you see two figures talking to each other. As you walk closer too then you work out that it is Steve and Bucky wearing suits. "Hey guys!" You yell at them. They turn their heads to face you and they flash a smile. You walk faster to them and see that Bucky is wearing a all black suit with his hair tied back in a bun and Steve is wearing a grey suit with a white shirt. "Well don't you boys scrub up nicely," you say with a smile on your face. "Well you look gorgeous Miss Stark," Bucky says. "Why thank you Mr Barnes." You say while curtsying. "Aright you two it sound like everyone is downstairs, let's get going." Steve says while putting his hands on yours and Bucky's shoulder and leads you two to the dinner hall.

As you three both get to the hall you are taken away by the scenery. Tables filled with food, people dancing around, children running around. "Y/n, earth to Y/n," Wanda says bringing you back to reality. You now see Wanda and Natasha in front of you instead of Bucky and Steve. "Where did Steve and Bucky go?" You ask looking around for them. "With the guys over there, but don't worry about them tonight is just going to be us ladies." Wanda says. "So what's first?" Nat says. "Food!" You and Wanda say at the same time which makes the three of you burst into laughter. "Why aren't I surprised." Natasha says as she follows behind you and Wanda on the way to one of the Food tables.

Ahhhh!! Thank you so much for over 1000 reads it means so much I never thought i could get this far. So thank you so much for all the stars and views! <3

Also sorry that this chapter took so long I have had school so i've been busy. :(

Isla xoxo <3

Y/N Stark x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers -  AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now