🌻Hey chat🌻

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Smiling and looking towards you're face camera you cheerfully greeted you're viewers  "Hello everyone, how's you're day been?!"
You're chat spammed with replies and donations came rolling in, the chat all putting the words "pogers" and random words like that, laughing to you're self you opened you're Minecraft file. "So guys today we are gonna be trying to beat the game in, drum role please! You said this as you banged you're desk repeatedly.
"hardcore mode!" You practically screamed.

*You streamed for at least 2 hours before
you died in the end fortress*

*fell from a high place* rolled over you're screen.
"NOOOO, WHAT THE HELL???!!!!" You banged you're desk causing you're monitors to jolt, you're chat seamed to find this amusing as they were all putting "lol" or "lmao" laughing you spoke in a loud pitch " don't laugh! It's not funny!"  Leaning back on you're chair you grin to you're camera "well guys, that's it for today! If I don't stream again tomorrow it will be the next day! Goodbye folks and thanks for coming!"
Waving then Ending the live, you looked towards you're phone "10 minutes won't hurt" you picked it up and opened Twitter...


Thanks for joining the stream today! I appreciate all of you being there!

❤️913 ♻️375

Wait I missed it no way!
\ user2:
She may be going live tomorrow
Or the next day!
\ user1:
Ah! Thanks!

She raged so bad tho!
\ user4:
Does she remind you of Tommy
\ user5:
Oh my god! Yeah totally

That was so fun btw!
\ Mari.day:
Thank you💕
\ user7:
OMG I love you!💕
\ Mari.day:
Aww you to!

My first time watching you!
It was really cool!
*liked by Mari.day*

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I smiled to my self as I played with my short blond hair, wondering what I was going to do for my next stream, maybe a chill stream or something? Yeah I think that would be fun! A chill stream it is! Anyway I should close down my PC and head to bed after all it is 12:57pm..

Thanks for reading this for some reason Wattpad deleted my entire story!! I know it sucks but I'll just re write the entire thing but I think it will be better! Also I do come back and edit/add small things to don't be surprised to see me doing that! :)

♻️:This mean retweet by the way if you are wondering!
Also if you somehow found this without knowing it's
Reader oc X Sapnap/nick!

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