Plane delay

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A hour or so after I got home from my day out at the market, my phone rung.
"Hey sap, you okay?" I asked
"Hey Mari, the whether right now is really bad, my flight has been delayed.."
He said sounding as disappointed as I became to be.
I sighed to myself "do you know when you will be here?"
"Possibly Christmas Eve or day?" He replied
I sat down on my sofa and leaned back " the whether that bad?"
"Yeah, it's a just a heavy snow, hopefully by the morning it will clear up a little"
He said
I look out my window seeing only light snow "You said you was on the plane, did they take you off?"
Sapnap replied quickly "yep, they took us of and said we would have to stay in the airport until it calmed down"
"Where are you sleeping tonight?" I ask with general curiosity
Sap sighs "in the airport, i don't seem to be the only one who will be here tonight, I'm gonna have to go. I'll see you soon Mari"
"Bye sap hope it's gets better.."

That really messed up my mood, I could not believe it! Everything seemed fine the other day. But theres is not much I can do.

I look towards Jax who was laying under the tree, I have nothing to do today apart from a stream in around 1 hour.

Which I didn't really feel like doing now.

~No ones POV~

Marine opened stream, chat flooding with viewers.

She smiled lightly waving into the face cam, "hello everyone! Cant believe December is here! Christmas is not long away!  And for that I have released some merch for this special time. It's only available up till midnight on Boxing Day night! So there isn't much time to get it. This includes jumpers, shirts and a large cup! As well as all money raised for it will be given to this years food donation charity!

Now all that's out the way let's continue with some Minecraft mini games!


Hello all thanks for 1k reads! I really appreciate it! Sorry for hardly any updates, but I'm working on 2 other story's for completing different fandoms!
It's also 3 months till Christmas so why not already celebrate it!
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's a bit crappy. I just got wanted to get something out!
Bye! :)

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