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"Hey George!" I say half smiling at him through my cam.
"Hey Mari, you said you needed advice?"
I pause, should I tell him? I might just seem really dumb and stupid...
"Mari? You okay?"
I snap out of my zone " Yes! Erm George..... I wanna drop out of college and take on full time but I'm not sure and I don't wanna ask my parents cause I know they will be disappointed with me! I don't know what to do! George help me! What do I do?!"
He looks at me eyes wide and confused, "You have hardly spoken to me, so why did you choose me?"
"I- erm" I bow my head down. Maybe I shouldn't have done this
"Oh god! That came of so rude! I'm so sorry!" George says as he sits up straight brushing himself off.
I smile at him "that's why I chose you, cause your so chill, kind and accepting. I thought with what this you may be able to help me?"
"Well... are you enjoying college?" He says
"No, not really"
"Then it's simple your not enjoying it so just drop out, tell your parents you wasn't enjoying it and that why you did it?"
Why did that sound so dumb in my head but yet so smart coming from someone else?
"Yeah, I'll do that thanks George I really appreciate it"
He shrugs and smiles "your welcome!"


        Big announcement coming soon

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        Big announcement coming soon....
❤️2.3k ♻️1.2k

wait what?!

I think this is gonna be good!!

You got this!

George told me, I agree! <3
\ Mari.day: 
Thanks Dré! :)

Is it something about the dream

Wonder what it is

Text me plz 
\ Mari.day:

OHHH! Drama 🔝


What did you tell George?

Nothing serious I just wanna
drop out of college

And you didn't tell me? :(

I'm sorry! I was gonna  <3

I forgive you! Only if you
Do one thing for me?

Yeah sure

Stream with me please!

Aww yes I will!  

Yay! thx I'll speak to you in an
Hour <3

Okay my prince ;)

Your such a charming
Princess ;)

Sapnap and marine streamed for 4 hours on twitch deciding to talk and play Minecraft you both really enjoyed your stream together and promised more streams together in the future! (How exciting!)

Really sorry for how short this chapter is! But please just enjoy it! Anyway love ya

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